I haven't confirmed it yet, but I think something goofy is going on with the STS String Supressor website. When I click on the link below is sends me to a directly different website which masks itself some type of Windows program looking to clear out Trojans and Spyware. I contacted Buck and Ducks directly, they claim there isn't any issue. When I get done running my AVG check and run Windows Defender, I will update you guys. I dunno, does anyone else have the same thing happen? (Caution, make sure you have Virus software up to date if you try the link) www.stsarchery.com If not, I might have to kill my wife since I am anal about a clean computer.
No problems for me. Probably something on your machine that's trying to hijack everything. God Bless computers!
CRAP..... How reliable is Trend Micro House Call Justin....I am gonna run that after AVG gets done running.
I dunno, here is the link that pops up when I click on the STS site. http://winxp-antivir-on-line-scan.com/1/?id=20586 It says some goofy crap.... Doesn't happen on any other website I hit up though. Don't know if this is a program masking itself as Window Antivirus or not.
Okay, sounds like this has happened to others when searching for other sites through Google. While trying to search for STS on Google....I think it is a phishing/hacked website through the Google Search. I would imagine if I would have known the stupid link to begin with, STS would have popped up just fine. So, I have no clue what to do next since I don't know for sure if the program tried to install something. Just wanted to give guys a headsup. Don't use the Google link to STS if possible, type in the STS link itself.
Bols clear your cache first. This also could be some kind of add-on you could also under Tools on I.E. click internet options, Advance Tab, Reset Internet Explorer settings click RESET. Restart I.E. when your done.
Trend Micro Housecall actually isn't that bad of a program. For being free, it's okay. Same with AVG. Run them both, run Spybot, and then boot into Safe Mode and run them all again.
For those who care.....I didn't wave the internet white flag left. I still have life left in me. Though I am treading as lightly as I can. Not too much in the way of sensitive material like buying things, checking e-mail, stuff like that yet. Until I know for sure my computer isn't infection with Computer HIV and STD's..... Well, seems like my problem was a Google Redirection deal. Searched for a legitimate site, the link I clicked on appeared to be legitimate, ended up redirecting me to an alternative site. I tried to close the window using the right-hand corner "X" and the "Cancel" button the site displayed. I should have just killed IE using Task Manager. Yeah Yeah, I'm stupid, it was like buck fever and I just shot for the X. So, when it tried to download the malware, I am hoping Windows Defender blocked it, the normal pop-up blocker did kick up under the tabbed browsing bar and notified of the attempted connection. I have three Malware/Spyware programs on my computer. I update them daily and run full computer scans hoping to find something. Since this Redirection seems to be a new version of countless other free rouge Window Anti-Virus scan attempts, I don't know if the "Good computer geeks" have included this malware in their definition updates yet. If anyone cares to read up about the same issue I had, here is someone explaining their scenario with Google Redirection issues. Basically, copy and paste when you search Google instead of using their direct links to ensure you aren't getting redirected to a different site. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r21072962-winxpantivironlinescan~start=20 I am also considering getting FireFox instead of using IE. Does anyone know if I need to uninstall IE with FireFox or can these programs work okay together on the same computer???