Could have sworn that I saw a post on AT stating that all images of Strother Bows were to be removed pending legal action. Good luck with your new bow Don.
there's 2700 replies in that thread... i'm not gonna search it out... i guess its simply not that important to me... good luck with the bow though, hopefully Kevin will stay put for more than a few years...
I know how to keep and pick a woman:p I'll give you your first pointer, if they have a stage name, don't marry them It's Kevin that is vocal about not "owning" Elite, LOL He got all mid-evil on a dude.
You guys are completely wrong I got 50/50 out of my first marriage, I got my 50% of the bills and then the judge was kind a nuff to give me her 50% of the bills!!!!Walt
ya, i remember reading that... seriously, does he think people are that stupid as to believe his wife is the owner and he's the employee?? c'mon... they applied under her name to get minority ownership for business loans and subsidies... sheesh....
I don't think he is the "owner" of this company either.I believe this company is run through investors as well. Not sure of how the legalities of it work and to be honest,I don't care but I really like the looks and design of these bows.