Well I ordered a new B-50 string the other day. I shot about 100-150 shots through it over about 2 days. Well I picked my bow up to shoot it today and re-measured the brace height. The brace height had slipped down by a 1/2 inch. I figured the string stretched a bit because it was new. So I re-adjusted the brace height to 8.25 inches and shot about 30 shots through it today. I then noticed the end of one of the strings seemed to be unravelling. I gently tugged on the string to get a better look at the underside and it blew up and broke in half. GEEZ. GOOD SIDE BAD SIDE BOTH SIDES
Brett, where did that string come from? It looks like it was not twisted very tight in the first place. A tight twist in the loops is what keeps it together.
Rob, it is from a place that you and I have discussed. They seem like a great bunch of people. For some reason when I first got the string it just appeared odd, but since I am relatively new to dealing with bowstrings, I just chalked it up to inexperience.
Well Brett I think it must be time for us to get you making your own strings. It's not hard and the savings and ability to have a sting anytime you need it is invaluable. YouTube has several "How To's" on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24-J-RpbxFo Here's where you get the material: http://www.bcyfibers.com/index.php Get two or three colors depending on how many bundles you want. Here's how to make the board: or you can buy one http://www.3riversarchery.com/Strin...ish+String+Jig_c40_s2_p222_i5325_product.html You can get a server and serving string at Gander Mountain or online. Your first string will take about an hour and it gets better from then on. You know I'll show you how. Seeing I'm still out of work with my shoulder I have nothing but time.
Rob, I would love to learn how to make my own strings. Guys, I am not bs'ing you with this at all. When I first got the string I said to myself, "man that top loop looks sloppy" but I just pawned it off on the fact that I am relatively new to this stuff. Well only 3 days later the thing busts. I do not understand what happened. I ordered a 56 inch string for my 60 inch recurve just like I have done twice before...I strung it up using the bow stringer just like before....
I had this happen once too. The problem was the place I got my string from wouldn't back It up (I no longer deal with this local place). The place you bought It from will treat you right I'm thinking. Give em a call and tell them exactly what you told us here.
Steve is right and you've had good service before. Let me know when you have free time and we'll get you going. I have string material for you to use for right now. When I first started to learn, I went to a fabric store and bought 2 balls of different color twine approxinately the same diameter as B-50 and practiced with that. I think they were about $1.00 ea. You'll need bees wax too.