I just got my bow restrung with some crazy colors... neon green and neon pink to be specific. The bow itself is camouflage. It's primarily going to be used deer hunting, and I am in no way ready to turkey hunt with it this season, but I was wondering if you could turkey hunt with those colors on the string? I know they are crazy colors and turkeys can see you blink haha but has anyone tried it successfully? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
It does not matter. If you are still chances they will not pick out the string as danger. I have been deer hunting in blaze orange and have turkeys walk within 20 feet of me. They are more likely to pick out your shiny broadhead. Since the string is twisted it is just more small bits of color in a world of lots small bits of color.
You have nothing to worry about. A turkey isn't going to pick you off just from some colored bow strings
You'll be fine if the turkey don't catch you drawing your bow back you'll be fine Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums