LMAO of course I dont want to kill a little Kitty..but in all seriousness, I have a stray cat that showed up at my place about a week ago, I kinda feel sorry for the poor skinny little sucker, should I get him some cat food and let him live on the place, garage type cat only? I sure dont want a cat in my house but I figured he would help with the rodents around the house. What do you guys think? It looks to be a male.
In all honesty, if I could figure out which cats were barn cats from the neighbors and which cats were just strays, I will have been slinging arrows for awhile now. My wife is highly allergic and I plan don't like em. For now I have been non lethal in my battle with strays. I got no problem with anyone that controls the population of stray cats.
Well if I were you, I'd keep it as a garage cat. Two of our best pets ended up being stray (alley) cats that came to our house really skinny and sick. We took care of them and got them healthy, and it was like they knew we helped them. They stuck around, killed rodents, followed us around the yard a bit (kept us company), and were very playful.
Had a cat get under our house and die over the winter. Our crawlspace is very low to the ground so crawling in there and dragging him out wasn't an option. The house smelled like a buzzards ass for a few months. Lets just say cats don't get in my yard while I'm home now. :D
If you feed it, your best bet is to catch it (live trap) and bring to a no cost stray neuter/spay shelter, then bring it home to be a garage cat. This way, 1 cat doesn't turn into 50. Don't know if they have these types of services in your area, but growing up in a vet clinic, my family volunteered for these types of programs many times. Edit - Or you could just shoot it. :p
Around here they are fair game, but only if you run from you, im not going to shoot a cat that comes up and rubs on my leg.
I don't mind cats when thier outside/barn cats. I hate cats in the house and I've already lost that battle with my wife (she got one a couple months ago and it stays in the house)
I never used to be but I am now............ I'm a cat guy. The GF had to have them them and one of them claimed me. Strictly indoor cats, declawed and spayed. They can be frustrating at times! Anyway, I don't know that a male cat will stick around once he's fed. Especially if he's not getting any action. In my experience, the male cats are the roamers and usually don't attract females from other areas. You can give it a try though and see what happens, he might stick around. Maybe even try to follow you out hunting! :D
I "had" a stray getting in my garbage a couple months ago. I caught him in a live trap and I let him go the first time not knowing if it was someones pet or not however it was a nasty little SOB. About 5 days later I caught him again and yet again he was just plain nasty so it was very clear to me it was a wild cat... His skeletal remains are piled amongst all the woodchucks, coon, possum, etc. I've killed over the years. Now if I can just figure out how to kill the damn red squirrels that are wreaking havoc in my garage I'd be cool. Right now I feel like Bill Murray in Caddyshack and I fear I might blow the garage up just to get rid of them...
Well, I have a pet kitten, and we have another full grown cat that keeps coming on the porch and eating our kittens food.... He would run everytime he seen human life, so I figured he was wild... Don't really want to kill him, but I went out one day and he was on the porch and so was I, and our new kitten... well he's going for the food and our kitten doesn't like it, the big cat sratches at our cat. That's when I proceded back into the house and got the 'Ol Daisy out and burned it's butt from point blank... haven't seen him anymore, and if I do, it will likely be the .17 this time.
i'd prob try and scare it off, if it didnt leave or i'd have to take it to the humane society. had a cat growning up, my best friend, until one day he pissed on the carpet and my dad shot him behind the ear with a .22 no more cats for me! R.I.P. Sunshine =-( R.I.P.
That's how it is around here. If they are pretty approachable they live or get taken to the pound. If they duck and lay the ears back and take off at your first site and are spraying around I put a stalk on. Not with my bow they are tough as nails. I have 2 garage cats that are outside and just in the garage. Very friendly cats and actually go on long walks with us and one comes running when you call him. Wild cats need to be controlled.
all good perspectives guys, thanks and thats why I asked, I guess I am a big softy, probably gonna try to feed the skinny little buggar, trap it like U said and get it fixed. Wife and I decided it can be garage cat hang out outside.. NO inside ..i just cant stand cat piss smell is all. Hey guys with Cats.. if its a male ..and I keep it around and dont get it fixed.. will he piss all over stuff in my garage? Probably eh?? If its a female I would definately need it fixed, I dont want babies..
It is what it is. If that thing wants to be there, it's gonna be there. We always have a lot of barn cats, in our barns on the farm...well, until the coyotes had their way...But, thats another story. They rarely come up to the house, unless my grandmother puts this little metal dish out that they heard hit the ground. Now, at my house- I have a group of cats, not sure if they are stray, or not, coming into my paddock/pool area. They come in from the woods and front yard. NO big deal. I put food out for them, and they kill the moles, return favor I win ! They don't seem to be coming into the main portion of my 'yard'...However, the grass in said portion is maintained well, while the paddock grass, well, isn't .....and I have a huge dog that doesn't like cats, in the big yard....
I've never been a cat person, but that little guy was cute & I am a softy for animals tossed out & left to starve. For me personally, a lot would depend on if its friendly. Give it some food, try & catch it & see how it goes.