Now that I've found where all the experts from HNI are hiding... Since it's the "off season" I'm playing around with the idea of trying some Quik-Spins, I currently use 2" blazers and really like them, I guess I like to tinker too much. My question is, should I use a straight offset or helical when re-fletching with Quik-Spins? And how much offset?
Which rest? Never fletch straight. I use an offset and have perfect results with it, helical of course drags as much if not more air for better arrow stabilization. Definitely go with offset or helical fletch.
I've heard that the lip on the trailing edge of the Quik-spin and the bristles of a whisker biscuit don't get-along so well. Besides, i use a drop-away.
You'll do great with Offset or helical. Arrow stabilization is cause by air drag causing the arrow to spin, offset (which is not considered straight) or helical will do this the best. I currently have several fletch set up. I have Blazers, Fusion, Vantec, 3" Duravanes and 4" feathers all fletched with a right offset on various arrows. Several on the same arrow (type) I have them all grouping together. Even with target setups, I use an offset to cut wind in the outdoors. I would personally never fletch an arrow straight. (parallel). Now we're talking outdoor 3D and hunting.
There may have been some misunderstanding here...when I said "straight offset" I was referring to using a straight clamp with some sort of angular offset, say 2 to 3°. I have both a straight clamp and a helical clamp. Also, this is strictly for a hunting set-up. Thanks for all the information thus far, I really missed you guys at HNI.
No I understood and let me illiterate by saying that either offset or helical will serve your purpose. I grasped that you were using Quickspins and in doing so your looking for spin, thus the name. A helical or an offset will get you what you seek. And after doing what I do for so many years, other than clearance, indoor, outdoor, hunting, 3D, name it, there is zero reasons why I would use a straight fletch nor would I recommend it for someone stating they use Quickspins.
Thanks for yours and everyone elses remarks. I was curious if one (offset or helical) would be better than the other. Yes, you are correct, I'm looking for spin. In my opinion the more spin the more stable the flight. Over the next few months I'll probably try some 4" Quik-Spins with a helical and some 2" Quik-Spin speed hunter with a offset, just to see which I like the best. Once again, thanks for the input. Stephen
GMMAT, I'm shoot'in 100 gr. 4 blade Muzzys. I agree, no stock arrows come with helical vanes. I'm not trying to fix something that's broken, I just like to fiddle around with different set-ups, and this year it's vanes. I'm probably going to stick with the 2" blazer/muzzy combo for now, just want to see 'what if'.