Alright so tonight as I was walking to my stand, I spot a big hog walking around about 50 yards in front of me. Took aim and all the sudden he eased back on into the small and thick pines (area was clearcut about 3-5 years ago, I can't remember). So I put the safety back on and walk for another 10 yards and there he was again, shoulder my gun and he walks back into the thick stuff to where I can't see him, I walk another 30 yards because I thought he is gone and all the sudden I see something big and black in the corner of my eye. Look over and theres that big hog standing about 10 yards beside me not even knowing I was there. Raise my gun, flip the safety off and pulled the trigger. I immediately started shaking like crazy because I was scared as hell and my adrenaline got to me bad. So I keep walking to my shooting house which was another 50 yards down the dirt road and sat there for about 1 more hour so the hog could die and I could calm down. Texted my dad and all the people that probably heard me shoot to let them know what happened. Look up and there was 2 big hogs and about 10 piglets in the field! I didn't shoot but I had a great time watching them for about 10 minutes. So I finally got out of my stand at around 5 PM and started tracking the hog, it went around 20 yards and turned out to be a great looking and big sow (weighed 186.3lbs). So I'd say today was a pretty good day and I am fired up about going out tomorrow to maybe get a buck down since the weather and everything will be perfect.
So, you shot at the color of a hog without being able to tell where you were even aiming? Congrats on your hog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
His head was behind brush and his body was behind some tall grass. I had a little hole about 1 foot big right where his shoulder was and I had to shoot thru there.