Hey guys and gals, i just wanted to say hello...i recognize a lot of you from Huntingnet, i just thought i would broaden my horizens and join this site also...i have gained 80% of my knowledge from bowhunters like you and want to give a quick thanks and i look forward to learning more as i go. I'm addicted to this site and the above mentioned....i mostly read the posts and seldomly post myself but you will hear from me now and again....thanks again in advance and Hello to all... Jeff
Welcome aboard! I have a cabin between Spooner and Hayward. I only make it down there for the rifle season, but I love it there.
No kidding? My dad owns a place in Trego. Unfortunately I don't make it up there as much as I'd like, I do enjoy the times when I go get to head up North. Definitely gonna try to make it up once or twice this summer for some fishing and four wheeling. And jkcmerg - welcome to the site, we hope you enjoy it! If you ever need to buy any bowhunting gear that you dont' see in our cart, PM me and I might be able to get you a good deal. Same goes for the rest of yous guys. I've got a new stabilzer on order for crick that should be in Monday or Tuesday.
Fitz and Justin...i live in Cable and Work in Spooner...I have a small car dealership there...i go down 63 through Hayward and Trego every day (when i'm not hunting or fishing that is)...nice to meet you guys....and thanx for the welcome..you too raceway..
I'll be dang!! I've deer hunted In the Spooner area a good half dozen times. It's been a few years since I last hunted In Wisconsin. Spooner, that's a nice looking area! Welcome aboard Jkcmerg!!! Good to have ya!!
Our 40 is off HWY 63, up North Road (by the Broken Spoke Saloon and that antique shop) and in along the snowmobile trail. What dealership jkcmerg? My uncle Joe Fitzgerald lives in Spooner. Retired band teacher. He runs with the ATV & Snowmobile Club. Doing a lot of grooming this year! How was your season this fall? heh, small world! PS. Found out that my uncle got his hands on the Field & Stream rack!! I'll find the picture and post it
Welcome to the best site and group of guys you will ever meet Jeff!!! Feel free to jump in anytime.. Walt
Thnx for the warm welcome guys... Fitz...Choice Auto Sales in spooner..its on the south side of town on 63..accross from Pamida.. My fall was good...i shot 3 does and a 20 1/2 inside spread 8 pt. not a lot of length in the tines, but i couldn't pass up the wide spread... My buddy, nate dodge of eau claire, his dad is doing the taxi on the field and stream buck...it is a small world....lol How did you do??.... and yeah..i know exactly where your cabin is...its in Earl..i pass through there every day...lol and i've spent many of evenings in the broken spoke....lmao.....
Welcome aboard. This is a great group of guys here, I've gotten alot of pointers reading their posts and like you I don't post allot but really enjoy reading what these guys have to say.
I did pretty good, I got two does, but I didn't see a single horn all season (rifle), with the exception of the 8pt carcass I found while still hunting the second weekend. The foxes had already eaten most of the hind end. Our camp got two other does, but my brother saw a ton of deer (5-6 young bucks, close to 30 does), he was waiting for Mr. Big to come out. Here's the pic I promised. I'm 3 degrees from this buck , that's a much more enjoyable game than "7 Degrees from Kevin Bacon" :d .... Bob with his rack, and then my uncle Joe...