Amazing. His girlfriend thought he was having an affair so she shot him and herself. Could it be the affair was with his wife??
These guys just don't want to accept the fact the world doesn't revolve around them. Look at all the ODs, shootings, stabbings, fights, knivings and whatever. It's a continual line of (excuse me... but) black sports superstars who can't stay away from other peoples women, or with their own woman and have to go to strip joints, bars, "CLUBS" etc at 3 or 4 in the AM. Duhhhhhhhhhhh... "Do you know where your children are"? Dumber than dirt. Make millions and piss it all away shooting someone or getting shot while playing stupid or animal or macho. I have no problem with it really as long as they keep it in the family and do it to themselves. I'll pay through tax dollars for their cell and all that. Look at Michael Jackson... made zillions and OD'd bankrupt. Duhhhhhhhhh... here's your sign.