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Stepping back in time...

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Dubbya, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    I spun a bearing in the Scout (my Warpony). Swapped out the engine with another used (tired) one. It was never the same. I loved that truck.

    Yet, my chevy is far superior on the road. It's doesn't make you deaf as you roll along at 75mph. You can drive +90 mph in the chevy and steer with two fingers. Going above 80 mph in the Scout was seriously rolling the dice with your life, you didn't steer it as much as you herded it down the road. (got a good arm work out with it tho'.) The seats in the Chevy are much more butt friendly on the long drives. The Chevy has cup holders. ;)

    Off road, my scout could beat my chevy into a pulp with one axle tied behind it's bed. I could also do some mechanical work on my scouts. I had a hard time finding my windshield washer fluid reservoir on the Chevy... but it has an idiot light that tells me when it's low. :D
  2. atlasman

    atlasman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Lightyears.........parallel limbs, smooth as butter and speeds in the 320's??......that was SIX years ago!!!! Sick bow......I can honestly say it has performed FLAWLESSLY every day I have owned it. I had some vibration issues at first but the cable rod had a sliver of machined metal in the threads of the set screw.......took it out and trouble free from that day forwrd.

    Without exageration I have done little to nothing to that bow in the 6 years I have had it........replaced a WB disc and put new strings and cables on it. I have zero doubt I could leave it in the case up to about 2 days before the season and not miss a beat in the woods. Every year I get a little frustrated because I get all pumped up in the spring to roll out the archery gear and tinker from dawn till dusk........only to find myself drilling the 10 ring out to 30 yards after only 10-20 minutes of practice......not complaining at all but sometimes it's fun to tinker. It kinda like shooting a dialed in rifle.....once you are nailing the bullseye there isn't much left to do.

    I still shoot most of the year because I enjoy it........I'm just being honest when I say I know I would be fine if I didn't.

    Good point........depends which "old" bow we are talking about.........I had a Fred Bear TRX that was a good solid bow but it's no where near my Patriot or todays stuff in speed and hand shock only though.......that frekin' thing is a deer slaughtering machine!!! Killed for me, my brother, and now his friend is still dropping deer with it EVERY year.

    I guess if we are comparing deer killing ability then no one would ever need a new bow.

    Take shed for example..........shooting a Liberty, a bow you NEVER even hear mentioned anymore.......sure doesn't seem to be handicapping him any.
  3. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    Big difference for me, but the equipment it was set up was quite outdated :d 5 years ago i was shooting an Indian XI Perigon, It was a 70-80 lb bow, complete with overdraw,TM Hunter prong rest, T pins :d and redicuasly short aluminum arrows :busted: And it was heavier than an anvil :d I moved on to a Matthews Q2 after that, It had the WB and copper john dead nuts sights, and corbons, I shot OK with it. I now have the 07 bowtech Guardian, Ripcord, sword twilight sights, octane stab, mean-v, and victory arrows. I shoot it WAY better than any other bow i have ever had.
  4. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    Hey, another XI shooter. ;)

    Here's a picture of my XI. Still have it. It's a back up bowfishing bow now. (tho' I have about four bows I'd pick up before I used it)

    Me, (the dink killer) and my not so trusty XI.
  5. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    Christine, I have owned 4 Indian XI Bows. The Indian headquarters is/was 35 miles from me,in Evansville Ind, so a local shop owner carried alot of there Bows. I have owned
    Impact plus

    and i still have a recurve from my youth. I believe it is a Warrior
    What was the bow in your pic called?
  6. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    XI Demon.

    When I took it down to a hog hunt with friends, I had some duct tape on it. On the handle (otherwise it was cold metal) and to try and keep the quiver from falling off. (not the quiver in the photo) My friends deemed it the ugliest bow they'd ever seen. (they apparently had never seen my JVA Astro Stinger) Anyhow, they told me that I didn't need to shoot deer with it, just wave the bow around in front of the deer and they die because of 'ugly overload'.

    I tried not to take it personal. :cry:

    I got used to the look of the those old compounds and when I got my bowtech I thought it was really ugly.
  7. quiksilver

    quiksilver Weekend Warrior

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Dustin, I've been saying the same thing for a long time, much to the chagrin of the resident bow salesmen.

    Bows haven't advance much, if at all, over the past 10 years. The speeds are the same. The 3d scores are the same. Same house, just different window dressings.
  8. Dubbya

    Dubbya Moderator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Somewhere in, Wyoming
    I knew I liked you for some reason:d

    Ya know... they say great minds think alike.:deer:

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