Lately, I've spent some time looking at older bows and thinking about the differences between my 2007-2008 bows vs. my 2003 Razortec (which my dad still owns). With the exception of 12fps (shooting the same arrow), there is very very little difference in the two... including the 3D scores/indoor scores that I posted with that bow and the number of kills I had with that bow. I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same way... there are several Razortecs that I could pick up for about $250 and give up basically nothing to an '09 model. Obviously, most of us get a new bow every year because we like new bows... while at the same time hoping for bigger and better results. So, my question to you is this... Is there a legitimate $500 difference between the bow you shoot now and the bow you shot 4 years ago?
No,I am still shooting the same bow I shot 4 years ago.A 2002 Hoyt Ultratec,I have kept it in great shape and it is a sweet shooting bow.With the life time limb warranty I will be shooting it for a while.I am getting about 270 FPS out of it with a hunting set up,deep brace height longer axle to axle,a very forgiving bow.
No. When I got back into compounds, I bought a fully loaded Trykon on AT for $350 shipped. One week later I had killed two deer with it. I had not touched a compound in 3-4 years. I don't plan to upgrade this year. That bow will shoot where I point it. Why bother? The ONLY upside I see to buying new bows ever few years is that guys tend to shoot the new equipment more regularly. It can't hurt to shoot more. Keep farting around with that recurve and you will see how trivial most of it is.
I think most people who upgrade often (I'm included) are gadget guys/gals. We like to tinker and experiment. I don't forsee me improving my shooting leaps and bounds over the next few years through purchasing new bows. Heck, I have never bought a NEW bow. I always get one used about 4-5 months after the release, and let others take the deprecation hit:D
They don't seem to get "better" if you are considering the 3d score, fps, or kills. However, every year the engineers think of some small gadget or gimick that has changed the game a little. String dampeners, are a good example of how they have helped eliminate wrist slap and excessive noise. Also, parallel limbs and longer riser technology have lead to new bows (Air Raid) that have great fps and also a very forgiving brace heights. So, we are seeing higher fps, more kenetic efficiency, and less noise/hand shock on these new bows. The changes are small but steady.
I still shoot a Hoyt 03' Razortec. I just never had the heart to rid of her yet. Best bow I've ever owned.. 5 years of hunting from her. If I were you.. I'd buy your old bow back from your pa.:d
I know... the only thing is that I don't think I can get it back at the same "Father's Day" price that I gave it to him... :d :d :d
I shoot an '04 Razortec. I was all set to buy a new bow this year. I shot a few and decided spending the $800 really wasn't gaining me a whole lot. I have since developed a small splinter in my lower limb which Hoyt is replacing. So with soon to be new limbs, I see me keeping the Razor for quite some time yet.
Really depends on what your comparing a "new" bow to. For you D, your comparing which "new" bow to the RazorTec? I'll go a step further, I sold my 01 VorTec to a friend of mine when I bought my 06 Allegiance. There was/is a huge difference between these two bows and although when he comes up to shoot with me, I enjoy shooting the VorTec it no way compares to my Allegiance and he feels the same way. I have him one hell of a deal on it and it was a huge upgrade for him from his 90 something Golden Eagle. Now, Compare my 06 Alley to my 08 82nd Airborne and again, huge difference and well worth the $. The 82nd shoot the same arrow 27 fps faster than the Alley with the Alley 7 lbs heavier in draw weight. I can take it a step further yet. One of my favorite bows of all time was/is a '98 Tenacity II. At 70 lbs it was/is 20 fps slower with more noise and jump than the 06 Alley and 42 fps slower than the 82nd with the 82nd 7 lbs lighter in draw weight. None of them can compare to the new 09 center pivot bows for noise. (Admiral, Iceman, Captain and Sentinel).
When I first shot the Alphamax I didn't know what to expect. After shooting it, I knew for certain that bow could possibly be the next bow I buy. Is it worth the extra $500? Probably not. I am now pretty certain I won't buy a new bow (in fact I believe I am selling my target bow) until I shoot a deer. This aids me in two ways. One, it helps me from spending money I don't really need to spend. Secondly, it gives me another year for bow companies to make changes and come out with "THEIR BEST BOW YET!!" models. If I don't find a bow next year I like, I know I can always find a solid used Alphamax that will certainly fit the bill!
I have..........and still hunt with my 2003 Bowtech Patriot Single Cam. After 6 years of taking that bow and shooting it side by side with the new and improved, latest and greatest stuff I have come to the conclusion that the only viable reason for me to ever buy a new bow is just to have something different. My patriot is quiet, easy to draw, accurate, fast and powerful enough to get clean passthroughs on every deer it has ever shot but 1 (which was the BH's fault). What else is there?? I have ZERO problem buying new bows........but honestly, will anyone lay a new bow down on a deer this coming year and smile for the camera while thinking they could never have accomplished the same thing with their "old" bow??? I HIGHLY doubt it. It's always fun to buy new stuff........the actual amount of time that new stuff is "NEEDED"???.....almost never
Nope Dub, not a significant enough reason for me anyway to upgrade my compound, I honestly dont know right now if I will ever by another compound....My Liberty is a great bow. Not to mention I beleive the majority of my bowhunting years to come is gonna spent with a tradbow in my hand.
My buddy gets a new bow every year, sometimes two. That's his thing he wants the newest, latest and greatest, spared no expense kind of bow. I just can't do it, sure I have shot some and they are great but for practicality I just can't justify it. My Q2xl set at 60# is quick, quiet easy to tune, and deadly. I'll keep it around for a while more. Hell I still have my Martin Prowler I purchased with paper route money set up as a back up bow, I shoot it with fingers it has round wheels so it's relatively smooth on the draw but the 50% let off will kill you after a while. But I can guarantee a deer wouldn't want to be within 30 yards of it. To each their own.
I understand your thoughts. I was comparing the RazorTec to my Allegiance... I definitely should have added that to my topic. And FWIW, I'll definitely buy my share of new bows as well.
If the only thing one does is hunt, any bow would do as long as one is proficient with it but me, I do SSSSOOOOOOO much more with my bows than "just hunt". :d Like I said, one of my all time favorite bows is a 98 model Tenacity II. I wish I had it to shoot again but in reality, the newer ones I have at hand are so much more enjoyable to shoot. It comes down to one enjoying their bow. Take Aman. He loves that 03 (not old to me) and until he finds a better one for him, he should stick with it. I felt that way in 2001 with my VorTec. Hoyt never made a better bow that made me want to buy it when I owned that 01 VorTec. When I shot the 06 Alley and Trykon, they did impress me a little more thus a purchase was in order. I still own that 06 Alley today. It doesn't see much action compared to the newer ones now and if I feel this Air Raid I have coming is what I understand it to be, the Allegiance will head out the door. I already have a buyer.
Atlas, ya gotta admit, the 03 Patriot SC was ahead of its time. That bow was insane for the day. I had an 03 MightyMite and while the 03 Patriot doesn't have much of a differance compared to a 2009 bow, the MightyMite would be blown out of the water. P.S. I have actually been looking around the internet hoping to pick up either a Patriot SC or a Old Glory just to hang on to.
definitely a big difference in performance. I had a golden eagle predator w/the dual egg shaped cams. slow, & loud. the Bowtech Tribute I have is light yrs ahead of my old bow. When I bought the Golden Eagle it was a $400 bow, so not too shabby as bows went. But what a difference in the way they handle. The other thing I noticed was the flatter trajectory w/the same arrows at longer distances 40+ yds.
My bow before my '06 bowtech was an XI Demon. I think I got it in the mid 90's. I never really got along with that bow but we killed stuff together. It got squirrellier and squirrellier as time went on. When I got the bowtech, not only was I making a big upgrade in bows, but I moved up to those new-fangled fiber optic pins (vs my cobra crooked brass ones), a drop away rest (vs my Huntmaster 2000), a release (vs leather glove) and a hindsight doohickey. Major change. Kinda like when I bought a 2001 Chevy 2500HD to replace my 1977 IH Scout. (ooooh, cup holders!! Spiffy!)