So, while I was out of town, my uncle set up our camera in his backyard next to some feed that he started putting out. So, here is the pics that the cam picked up. Okay, that isn't all of them, but most are the same since it was on a two shot burst.
I just noticed something. THere seems to be a trend going with the temp...? I highly doubt it stayed that exact temp all of those days. This is MN. It was probably 70 at 15:00, and -12 at 17:00.
Neat Pics. I love the houses in the background. Next year you won't have a long walk to the treestand
This camera is literally mounted about ten feet behind his house. No, I don't think the people that own the rest of the town homes would go for me standing on his porch, shooting the deer that they all feed.
Those are some neat pics and I am glad to see that Stealth Cam is finally improving their picture quality. I remember the first digital that they made, that thing got about 5 days of battery life and all the photos were green. Congrats on the cool pics.