A few years ago, my grandson Brody and I went squirrel hunting on a friends property. We were walking down a dirt road when he did his best Elmer Fudd imitation, "Be vewy, vewy quiet." Didn't get anything but it was a start. I bought a .243 as he was intimidated by the 30/06. To continue, we have spent some time at the range with the .243 and a .22 to get his used to shooting. Lat year, he saved up some money and bought a Bear Fusion outfit, RTH. Bought all the licenses. He has gone out with his girlfriend's grandfather this year. So far, nothing but the season here will go on for a while. Maybe, just maybe. Looking at this, I seem to be rambling but the proudest part was when he was in my hunter education class a few years ago. I'm recovering from knee replacement but we plan on doing some fishing this spring and scouting...together. I'm confident that there are others here who started the same way. Good and safe hunting for all!
So one thing is I wish I spent more time with my grandfather growing up. He got me into hunting and fishing. Those were my best trips to date. I’m a outdoorsman fanatic because of him.. we don’t realize how much it meant to us and there was sooo many questions I wish I had asked. But I was very young when he introduced me into this world we love … even if you don’t see it yet, you have implanted this bug into him. One day he will look back and thank you, and remember those trips and lessons.