After being laid off since the middle of February! To say i am nervous is an understatement. 12 hour days, 4 days on 4 off. It will be nice to have a paycheck. Although the money isnt ideal, I can work up to it! Wish me luck
yeah, for now, after i get signed off its mandatory overtime 4 days a month i am winding plastic strapping. after i get done there, i go to the horse farm and muck stalls.... 16 hour work days lol killin my feet!
i used to work the 2pm - 2am shift in my younger days at a metal stamping factor. friday couldnt come soon enough, was ALMOST too tired to hunt fri,sat,sun... almost! congratz on the job... will they let you wear headphones???? that made the time fly for me
Going from hunting full time to working full time is going to suck. Not that you don't already know that. Good luck.