We have most of our corn still up, beans as well. The local farmers said that they might not get it out until another month due to all the rain we are getting. Deer sightings have been way down for me this year.
I actually have started a violent hate group against standing corn. It's really starting to screw me up. I thought it would be a help this year, but the deer just hole up in it. T, let me know if you want to start some legislation against it. I'll sign.
lol Ben :D I dont ever remember corn up so long .... of course, my season never started this early ...
I am pretty sure around here that the farmers are hating that it is still standing. With all this rain it doesn't look like they are going to have much getting it out anytime soon.
Yeah I have posted numerous times I am sick and tired of listening to the deer walk through it at dusk rather than expose themselves like I need. I doubt it is coming down anytime soon so I am planning on sitting as close as I can to the corn so that when this rut gets going I figure the bucks will be using it as travel routes due to it's safety. We will see if it works.
most of the beans are cut around here..and im seeing more and more people cutting some corn down...but its up still everywhere..and yes its getting on my nerves...i feel like something is going to walk out of it at any time.....haha but never does it seems... Im going to attempt to go out tomorrow morning and sit on the ground..because its going to be so windy...maybe rattle me in something...
With the weather we've had, we'll be lucky to have the corn out of here by February. If you have hunting areas away from cornfields, there's your best bet. We will now call to order the first meeting of Hunters Against Crops. Here with a few words is our distinguished Leader, the main HACer, Tony.....
I hates standing corn! My rule of thumb is, "If the corn is standing, the deer are in it!". End of rant!
Tony, I do absolutly HATE the corn still standing this time of year. I knew it was going to be bad from the very late time they planted it. Im seeing Deer almost every sit but my buck #'s are lower than norm. I have seen 12 different bucks so far, but last year at this time it was probably more like 20 by now. I was getting hope yesterday evening when they just started on one field but 1 hour later the rain came and its still comming down now. Ben, how do I join that club?? Do we get pinky rings with membership? :D
My best farm is 365 acres. 90 of it is still in beans and another 90 in standing corn. I haven't seen a single deer out there yet. Farmers is going to start on beans first, so I'm a bit concerned hunting out there this November.
I had 8 deer by me tonight, I spooked 7 of them, freaking stand. Standing corn does not bother me, I love it