Just like to get an idea of what all types of stands have you used with trad equip.? Of these, how many were successful? (How confident were you in these setups? ie.,ability to draw, bow length, stand height, remaining undetected) What changes were made to your stand setups going from compound to trad, other than the obvious effective range? Thanks
Clearing branches and stuff. Traditional bows are much longer then these short tiny things they call compounds these days. Your shooting angles may change also. I know I can't shoot at real sharp angles with my recurve like I could with my old XI Impact when I shot a compound. Do plenty of practicing from a tree at different angles so you know for yourself. As far as tree stand types I've always made my own. I make and use a hang on metal stand. I have absolutely no restrictions with what I use but I know some of the store bought stands will give you trouble when It comes to stuff getting In the way of your limbs, hopefully a few guys will chime In on here and help you out there Bobby.
Thanks for the response Steve. I figured as much concerning the length of the bow. I intend to do most of mine from a compact hang-on or from blow-downs on the ground. Thanks
I use a Lone Wolf Alpha hang on and have no problems at all. With this stand and a set of the climbing sticks I can get in any tree in the woods! I personally don'y like going in a tree I can't easily get my arms around because for me it makes it harder to draw at times, it gets in the way! Steve nailed it, the biggest problem with using a 64" bow was keeping the limbs clear of the tiny branches, once I cut those away I didn't have any problems. I find myself spending a bit more time looking for the tree to set up in thats closer to the trail now that I hunt with my Longbow. With the compound I could set up in an "area" within 35 yards of the trails and no worries. Now, I do spend more time on find that perfect tree in doing so I pay more attention to detail! With that being said paying more attention to that detail made me successful in my first year hunting with a longbow!
Very, very good point Joe!! It's more critical then ever now when hunting with these close yardage bows. Very frustrating It can be at times!!
I have some stand-sites that I have in mind for the recurve. Thick as dog hair with small trails leading real close to my tree. We shall see.