Some are unfamilliar with my hunting area. So a little back ground: I live on a farm, which we used to farm, but now is dedicated to food plots, and hunting. Though we still have cattle, our farming land has been dedicated to wildlife. We have 300 acres (on our home farm), with 120 or so tillable. We have 10 food plots planted this year, as a buddy and I started a plotting buisness. We have everything you can think of. Corns, beans, and an assortment of oats, peas, brassicas, sun flowers...etc. Our plan is to draw them out of the swamp. My best stand is on a ridge, boardering a HUGE, I mean HUGE swamp. Basically, most of our stands surround this swamp. In past years, this was very successful. Especially, the ridge set. This swamp has two "humps". Basically ridges in the middle, not very big, but hard wooded. Big enough to hunt. I've often said I was going IN to hang a stand, but never have because it is near impossible. It is wet, and it would be hard to not spook deer, any time of day. That is where they are. What say ye? But on the waders (prob) and go in on a hump? Or bank on them coming to the plots, or chasing does during the rut? For the record, deer sightings are WAY down, this year. In the pic, the top mark is a my best stand, the two to the bottom are on the humps. Thanks. Yellow-Property Blue-Stands Pink-"Humps" described
Exactly what I think I'm going to do, JM. Now I just have to figure out the best time of day to go in. Likely start in after day light, and camp out in the swamp for the day.
I like that point in the upper left hand corner with any south type wind. It kind of looks like a arrowhead to me.
Two questions, What is the line extending into the swamp? What is the clump (looks like trees) just above the two humps marked, just on the edge of the swamp? Going in sounds good, i'd definately do it in daylight though, those humps are a pretty small patch of trees to miss in the dark. Plus noise would be a big issue here. I'd def. leave a lock on with steps hung in there (or ladder), that way once you get there, there isnt even more work in climbing or hanging a set, after the first hunt anyway. Also, when we say deep are we talking? Harder ground mud, or sink to your waist mud? Might be impractical to head in there if it is very deep water and really sinking mud. Also, blood trailing a deer through a swamp sounds near impossible, could be wrong. Put the arrow where it goes, and thats a non issue though. All that said, it would be really AWESOME to go in there and kill a big swamp talking REALLY awesome. lol
Peak that is a pretty good stand site. We have one there, and on that far side (west). There is a clover food plot, there. With a few atv trails extending into it. We have a total of 16 stands up, this year. Trevor... That "finger" is swamp grass. And that clump of trees is, well a clump of trees just off an alfalfa field. The trails I'd take to the two humps are marked. Well, as of two years ago, they are. I was also thinking of lugging a double bull blind back in there, for the season. This swamp isn't TOO deep. Knees at the most, no mud, just water. Full of "buck brush"/Tamaracks I don't know what you would call it down south, lol. Its thick, and full of small trees and brush. I think it is doable. I've trailed a countless number of deer through the swamp, between my dad, uncles, and I. It is where the deer run. It is hard, but we get r done.