This is my first season hunting and I was just looking at the weather for the next several days and saw that the wind is completely wrong for the stand I have up. So I thought about putting the stand we bought for my 13 yr old son up ( a ladder stand), in another area so I can still hunt this week. Is there a reason to not do it? This is public land so there is traffic around frequently as well as wardens and such. Just curious do not want to waste a drive if the stand is going to scare off the deer. There is a 2nd location that I scouted where I could place it, so it would not be going in completely blind. Thanks
i put up a stand on monday morning and monday night i got my doe, its really dependent on the deer activity (mine was public land as well) pressure plays a big factor as well.
Nice, the public land is bow only for the vast majority of it regardless of season and located away from most of the bigger town and cities, so I have not noticed that much yet. I may take a trip tuesday or wednesday early afternoon and put it up and hunt it later that night or next afternoon. Wind is supposed to be wrong for next 5-7 days according to weather reports.
Wind is most important, but the last two deer i took, my buck and my doe both came down wind of me, i was impressed to say the least but you cant predict the way the deer come from only have an educated guess lol! My tactic was to get close to the bedding area near the closest food source only because of the high temperatures. good luck though
I'm having a hard time finding a food source that they use. I have my cam on an apple tree and only get pictures maybe once a week. Plenty of fields but can't find where they came out. Maybe once it cools down the succulents will die and they will be more into the apples. Frustrating but eventually they will come in while I'm there.