What is the thought on stalking vs stand hunting ? Is stalking generally frowned upon if most people are stand hunting in the area? Meaning: Can you intrude on other’s “hunting areas” by stalking ? How do you avoid doing this ?
Stalking is not easy and I admire anyone that is successful at it. I hunt private so I can't testify to it much but I know that when I bring ppl on the farm to hunt I give them stand locations and don't give a option for it as it would potentially ruin my hunt.
If you're on public; of course you can intrude on other hunters. Just try to be considerate- don't be afraid to talk to other hunters in the parking areas. Some are kind of prickly about telling other people where their stands are but when you tell them you plan to still hunt/stalk you'll see that someone would rather tell you their general area than have you tromp through it at prime time. Your other option is to hunt where you don't believe anyone else to be; which usually means go deep and/or thick but also surprisingly sometimes close to the road areas are overlooked. Nice thing about small areas is you can usually hopscotch them and cover a lot of ground in short time. Scout and hunt at the same time. I spot and stalked and killed one buck in my life- one of the most satisfying kills I have ever made although I know it was more luck than skill. If you want to learn how it can be done in the eastern and midwestern woods/fields; watch The Public Hunter, especially the long haired kid Zach. He's a zen master at it.
Just to clarify, that's The Hunting Public on youtube. They definitely seem like the best ones out there right now.
I would say 'stalking' is better left to the more open areas, grasslands, the west, and mountainous areas, etc. ... not saying it cant be done east of the big Muddy, but Ive had hunts ruined by Elmer Fudd's trying to sneak around in crunchy leaves on public land .. more than once these were guys were carrying those damn crossbow thingys ... 'prolly gun guys trying to get in on early archery season, thinking they could do what they do during gun seasons ... personally, I think a person is in the wrong to do it on public lands where they KNOW guys are in stands and stupid to do it during gun season on public lands .... many nasty words have been hurled at those that try to do so ....