How important is inside spread when looking at a bucks rack? I am not talking about for scoring purposes here, but rather in regard of the racks overall appeal....
Well, I'm much too new at this to target specific rack features, but I think the REALLY wide ones are just SUHWEET! And by really wide I mean over 20". To me though, what impresses me even more is mass. I see a big, fat, knarly base with 5" or better circumference, and I get all worked up.
Man, a guy shoots one damn buck, and look what it does to him.....Sheesh......I can't get enough now...
Being were not talking scoring wise I love a buck with a big inside spread. 19" and up is very exciting to look at!
It sure don't hurt!!:d Not the most important feature as far as I'm concerned. But those wide racks sure do look impressive on the wall.
Every one loves a nice spread, but one of the most impressive bucks I've ever seen had a really narrow spread. His tine length though, was unreal. Looked like he belonged on a bottle of Jager
Spread doesn't mean too much to me.. It's cool and all. But ahh.. so is a 15 pointer. But I will admit I have an unspoken love afair with big crazy 8's. I love em'. I just love big 8 pointers. Big... bad.. knarly.. tall tined.. heavy massed 8's. Don't know what it is about them.
I think the widest Whitetail I have killed is just under 19" inside. I like the looks of a wide rack if he's got everything else to go with it. I really think that's what I like about hunting Mulies is how wide some of the racks are. I killed a buck that was only 23" outside, but it sure made him look huge on the hoof. I saw one that same morning that must have been 27" to 28" wide. They really look awesome carrying those big Ol wide racks. Dan
I like a big wide rack, but it's not the ONLY deciding factor for me. I agree with DAN though, thers just something about those BIG WIDE Mulies, that appeals to me as well. Someday, I'll sneak out west to hunt them!!!
I have a few in the house that go over 20, due to the short tine length on 2 of them they would probably be in the shed with some others if it was not for the spread. When I'm wishing, I wish for Spread, Height, Mass and lots of points. But I will take spread if its all I can get!
Over all appeal.. I used to think I didnt care about spread, even convinced myself of it for years as I continued to stack up 16,17,18 inside spread bucks.. then I killed one two feet wide inside and after getting my hands on him and having him hanging in the cave, he changed my view. These days, I love seeing the big hvy, wide racked tall tined hawgs.. problem is around these parts rarely do I ever find one with all of those attributes.. They are cool though when I do.. I've got one running a ridgeline about 1/2 mile from my house that is 22 inside.. right now..hes looking good this summer.
I am with Duke on this one big ole wide 8pts get me all wet in the croch!!!!This one is 21 3/4 inside!!!
The spread is usually one of the first indicators the buck is a shooter, but I'm with a lot on here and would rather have good mass then a hugely wide buck. If they hit the ears, I'm looking at tines and mass.
Walter, Now thats just plain nasty!!!! hehehe..... hope you change your pants before we leave to film on the 16th. LOL!!!! Jay