67% is my best. There is a time limit so click quick
I tried 4 times and got 70% on the 4th try and 67% on the first 3 tries. Called me a 370 class bull worth the taxidermy
I tried about 10 times and didn't get past 90%. I could have swore I got the 28th screen right, but it said no dice. Edit: Tried on more time as I was sure I was right, and got 97%. Never even thought I saw the hunter on the final pic so I give up.
You can do that with any camo if you put it in the right place. And it's not moving. In my opinion movement gives more hunters away than the wrong camo.
I was a fan of Natural Gear since it was created back in the early 90's...The founder, Larry was from Little Rock, Arkansas and not sure if he is still involved or not.. Maybe a reason I like Optifade as well
Good game, I refuse to believe that there is a person in the 25th screen. I even tried to do a print screen when it popped up. :D
He's kneeling on the left side of the scrub tree, to right of where the hunter is on 23. I quit after 29, but I couldn't accept defeat. It took a couple more tries but I got all 30. 30 is very tough.