What is your opinion when it comes to choosing between the two? Do you do both or do you stick to one religously? Hunting hogs here in a Hawaii I like to spot and stalk but I also make sure I am close enough to a climbing tree if the need arises . I personally have never hunted deer before but I think I would like to spot and stalk more than sit in a tree stand. I am not knockin it's just my supposed preference ask me at the end of the season and it might change.
Treestand! Have hardly ever spot and stalked deer. Do that once or twice and that area most likely will be done for the season after laying down your scent all over the place!
Hogs can be cool to hunt n stalk and when there in a pack they can be distracted by food or compitition but whitetails are a different animal. They'll move alone or more quietly and would most likely see you before you see them.
These guys make great points. If I do decide to strech my legs I do it in a palce where I dont set stands. I have shot a deer while still hunting. It is very rewarding. If you want to read up on the subject heres a book I read on still hunting whitetails.http://www.amazon.com/Still-Hunting-Trophy-Whitetails-Shotgun-Muzzleloader/dp/0811734196
If I am going to be hunting during the rut I will stick to my stands. Any other times I will be hunting from the ground. Spot and Stalk whitetail is my favorite.