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Spooked the Big One, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Kayle B Luberts, Sep 17, 2018.

  1. Kayle B Luberts

    Kayle B Luberts Newb

    Sep 17, 2018
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    So I am pretty new to Bow hunting and open stands.

    So I got the opportunity to hunt on the back off a golf course where no one has hunted in 10 years but people golf every day. Opener was this last saturday the 15th. I put my stand up that night. After school today I decided to go and sit today the 17th. I got out there at 6:00 and saw 12 deer, 4 of which were 6- bucks and 1 that was a 13 point buck. I saw him right before dawn. He came straight for my ladder stand and came to investigate. He even rubbed his antlers on the ladder. I let him walk off to one of his scrapes 15 yards away and I went to draw on him when he started to position himself for the shoot. I smacked the stand with my bow and it made a very loud sound. This made him look up and he booked it from the direction he came. I waited half a hour when it was completely dark and quietly made my way out through I swamp in a similar direction. As I was leaving I heard a deer not 30 yards in the bucks direction quietly walking.

    Any thoughts? Should I move my stand, leave it for a few days, give up on the spot?

    Thank you!

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