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Spending the night in a Tree

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Southernboy, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. Southernboy

    Southernboy Weekend Warrior

    Oct 28, 2008
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    I have a bunch of hogs on my property and they have become nocturnal. So yesterday I stopped by the farmer's market and bought me a "squealer" (about a 5lbs. piglet). I put it in a croaker sack and headed to my treestand. I climbed up into the tree and then pulled my bow up and then the sack. I placed the bow in the bowhanger and tied the sack off so it hung about level with my shoulder on the opposite side.

    After getting settled in, I took out my needlenose pliers and grabbed the lil squealer thru the sack and gave em a hard pinch and a lil shake. Lawd have mercy you shudda heard the squealin. Within about 30 seconds I had about 10-15 hogs under my tree lookin frantically for the lil piglet.

    I only had 5 arrows with me and had shot all of them in a matter of o couple minutes. I thought the hogs would run when I started sticken em but instead they just got more and more frantic. I didn't realize it but hogs can not look up. After what seemed like forever I realized that the hogs were not going to leave as long as that lil pig was squealin. SO I untied the sack and tried to drop it to the ground. Well the bag hung up on a limb about 3' off the ground squealin like all get out.

    I ended up spending the night in the tree.

    of course it isn't true;)
  2. isaiah

    isaiah Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 17, 2008
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    u had me for a sec!!!!!!haaaaaaaaaaaaa

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