I know its a bad habbit not wearing your seatbelt, but come on 110 dollars! for a seatbelt ticket! My mouth dropped when the state trooper told me that was my fine, whats your guyses seatbelt fine, if one?
I beleive in Wisconsin the fine is only $10, but once you put other costs associated with it, it comes in around $40-$50
First offense - $25 per person not belted, driver pays all. Second offense - $50 per person not belted, driver pays all. I don't recall what it is from there, but the progression is very near geometric.
$75 in IL. I wore my seat belt more before they passed the law...must be some kind of subconscience anti-authority thing.
wow, i heard they were cracking down in cheese country.... not sure bout IL i saw $75 posted above...
Nope the sealt belt fine is up to $75 in NC used to be $25 - got a few of them and once up to $75 got one of them too- started wearing belt after that
Question... Why WOULDN'T you want to wear a seat belt? Especially when someone else is behind the wheel. I don't know what the fines are in Ohio but I'm sure my son knows...