Trevor, I read the article. I actually read it a while back as well. Even if you don't care for the 400fps debate, there's some great information in there. Really, what it boils down to (according to that article), is that to gain those types of speeds (while maintaining within the IBO specs), you're going to have to make sacrifices in shootability and comfort, which leads me to what I posted before. While MAINTAINING a comfortable, quiet bow, to hit 400fps soon, I doubt will happen.
Who has the link to that pin gap calculator?? I know Fran sent it to me once... Edit: With a pin sighted in at 20 yards, at 400 fps your still dropping around 8.7 inches....
You asked a question about why a hunter would be interested in extreme speeds. I asked a hypothical question for the sake of discussion. IFa hunter could shoot 0 to 40 yards without compensating, would this be of any interest to bowhunter? You simply said that this is impossible, not that this is impossible at 400fps, not that this is impossible today, just it is impossible. I am sure you have plenty of experience counting, I just wish you had half that much experience shooting a bow. You have been shooting roughly for 5 years. How far have bows come in those 5 years? Now have far have bows come in the 26 years I have been shooting? To say that this is impossible does nothing but highlight the fact that you have very little experience and are extremely narrow minded.
I can carry your pack Quick, probably wouldn't weight that much either if you'd just take your ego out of it. I love how a simple article and follow up question can instantly change into a chest beating pissing match. Personally TEmbry, I agree that it seems like they are reaching the peak, but as others have stated, we've reached and surpassed these "peaks" before. There will be some innovation that will further strengthen the limbs, further reduce vibration or maybe a radical new cam design, any or all of which will produce even faster, smoother, more efficient bows.
No where else can you find this kind of free entertainment. In regards to the original question, unless some new material is used for limbs that stores a tremendous amount of energy, I don't think we'll see 400 fps from an IBO standard. If we could have, we would have.
You actually just wrote that? For your sake I hope it was just a poor attempt at comedy. Because you thinking youre any more of a man than I or anyone else on here is HILARIOUS!
5000 fps, now there's a fast bow. I could finally shoot across Mitchell Lake Too bad my .270 with a Hornady 130 gr. InterBond LM (light mag), only gets 3215 fps at the muzzle. At that speed I could align the broadhead with the streaks in my pants!
It is hard not to take being called uneducated seriously. While the orginal topic was a 400fps with a IBO standard set up, my question again was hypothical (for discussion purposes only)in reguards to what may or may not be possible in the future and would that type of extreme speed be appealing to a bowhunter. You Jeff are the one that came over the top and started calling out people's experiece and education. Which is funny considering that if you started when you were 40, you will be lucky to be able to log as many years hunting with a bow as I have already today. I am not the type of guy that will allow myself to be called out like that by someone who has 1/5 the experience. You do not have to tell me that shooting a single pin out to 40 yards (flat) is impossible. For hunting (@ 298fps) I shoot a 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 yard pin. I understand how much an arrow drops and IMHO, there is too much drop in 10 yards for my liking, which explains why I have my pin setup. I look forward to talking to you in 20 years from now and see where our bows are then and look back on our primitive setups of 2008.
Jeff, I have no problems accepting an apology, but I don't feel one is required from either of us. I do not have a problem with you or anyone else on here. Yes, I did take exception to a statement you made and I felt the need to clear up what I was stating. I guess that is the problem with these forums, is it is hard to tell sometimes the intent of the message being delievered. Maybe you missed the "for discussion" only purpose of my post and maybe I mistook your statement for being an attack. I apologize to you as well for questioning your experience. I know you are not the average 4 year hunter. I have seen the queestions you ask and have great respect for your thrist for information and how you are becoming a student of the game. We both agree we cannot shoot 0-40 flat and we will just leave it at that.
Fran blows hot air....alot. He talks a HUGE game about himself, mostly in humor although he does back it up in real life. We refer to him as the king, after he dubbed himself the king of archery. He has a way with words that few on here do, and can draw a laugh from any of us. Gotta read behind what he writes cause nearly all is written in humor. He brags about real stuff, but does it in a mostly joking way. I'm sure he'd be a pretty cool guy to meet in person for nearly anyone on here. Fran, when are you going to finally just pack up ship and move to Ohio so it is no longer a road trip for you there? The King comes from the Burger King commercials. Kyle, you still have that revealing 3 second footage clip revealing the true king? That had to be the funniest picture I have seen on a hunting forums, hands down.
Trev - just to address some of the doubts you've raised, I asked my magic eight ball the following question: "Who is the Greatest American Woodsman of all time?" Holla at a playa.