just curious cuz both of my boys have been knife crazy since they've been down at gramma and grampas this summer...
My son has been carrying a Knife for a few years now, since about 10 years old, now 13. A friend gave him a custom knife at a shoot a couple weeks ago and now he carries 2 knives at all times! He too is knife crazy!!!!!!
My mom had me filleting fish (attempting anyhow) when I was two. She always let me play with knives and run with scissors. Either she really trusted me, or she didn't like me very much. I still have my first buck knife that was gifted to me when I was a little girl. I was maybe eight when I got it. I started carrying it again last deer season. Gutted a couple deer with it. You can never have too many knives. (or guns or bullets or bows n' arras)
My daughter cuts the vegetables for her guinea pigs. She is 8 and has been doing it for about a year now. She uses a "butter" knife but our butter knives cut steak, we don't have "steak knives" lol. The kitchen knives are extremely sharp and I don't let her use those yet. She needs a bit more fine motor control and a better understanding of what sharp can do to your fingers. I hope to have her skinning and butchering in a couple of years though.
We don't have any kids (yet), but my dad gave me my first pocket knife when I was 7 years old. Thats a good age I guess, give or take...It was a camoflauge swiss army knife that I still have and use every now and then. It stays locked up in the gun case, sentimental value...
I got my first pocket knife when i was about seven, a little single blade old timer, still have it great knife!
I don't remember when I got my first knife. I guess I was 6 or 7 like most of you. I do remember that my dad broke the tip of it off on purpose, dulled the edge and told me if I was good with that one, then he'd buy me a nicer one. I very well may do the same with my son. When I did get that "nicer" and sharper one, I still cut the heck out of myself, it's the only way to learn sometimes.
I got a swiss army knife when I was 6. I had it out of the package for approximately 6 seconds before there was an extremely deep cut down the middle of my thumb, it was another 6 seconds and the knife was put up by my dad until I was like 9. :D
well, grampa bought my boys each a nice knife, oldest got a Case Trapper and the youngest got a Case collector John Deere edition single blade... very nice knives... oldest also got a gerber paraframe... they both have a small collection of 'heirloom' knives from grampa and great grampa... i think each has about 6 knives now, maybe 8, though I keep what would be the daily use knives in my drawer and grampa kept the collectors down in the gun safe in AL...