I have a feeder set up about 80 yards from the house here. I make sure it's empty well before season opens, just to get that out of the way. Anyway, I was watching three does and a spotted fawn under it about a half hour ago when suddenly the does went crazy. All of a sudden a buck ran in. At first I thought it was a good one. He had a really nice four point left side. When he turned I saw that all he had on the right side was a spike about a foot long. Suddenly the does started chasing him and beating the crap out of him with their front hooves. This went on for a couple of minutes until he finally decided the corn wasn't worth the azz beating he was taking. I guess those does didn't want him near either the fawn or the food. It was amazing to watch.
I watched some Does chase my neighbors house cat away from a fawn yesterday. I don’t think the cat meant any harm but they wasn’t having it. That was pretty funny to watch Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums