Blurred out the warden face for confidentiality, known through work. Picture is legit. Killed a week before archery season. Poacher was dumb enough to brag about his "out of state" kill to people who recognized it from summer glassing. I have other photos at work, a farmer found last years sheds which were almost as impressive. Supposedly rough estimates at 175"
Glad they caught the guy. I live in Lancaster, but hunt a farm near Dillsburg once or twice a season. One of the guys I share our main property with in Lebanon... He caught some kids gutting a doe out of season last year on our land. The more these morons get caught, the better.
Wow, can you share where this happened in York county? What town? I used to live in York...... What an aweful shame.
I believe it was near Codorus state park. i'll check my other emails tomorrow and see if it has any other details.
Bummer... and they say PA doesn't have big deer! HA, the word's out, you slackers need to start puttin up some points!!! :D