I have a spot for archery antelope hunting in South Dakota for fall of 2009, September 29-October 1. Price is $2,100, all inclusive, tags are guaranteed in my area. Hunting tactics consist of sitting water holes, decoying(the rut is on at that time), and spot and stalk. If you would like to see the kind of animals we took last year, go to www.jimriverguideservice.com and take a look at the pictures. My policy is to send a COMPLETE list of the previous year's clients in lieu of a 'hand picked reference list'. If you would like information about the hunts, hit "contact me" on the website and I will get some information to you over the internet right away. I am the only outfitter I know that opens the books up to prospective clients. If you look at the results I get, you will know why I am so forthcomming with my information. This is a trophy hunt, not a meat hunt.
Welcome, you may try putting this thread in the classifieds as well as the swap-a-hunt forum. You'll probably get more looks from people looking to purchase a hunt as opposed to the general forum. Where do you hunt hogs in East Texas? I spend a lot of time around Gilmer and Lake Fork. Txjourneyman lives in East Texas as well.