Troy, good to see a hint of quality folk made it over here before my arrival. Great to see ya, hows it been brotha!?! Silver my ol' teamie hows it goin? I've been busy being a dad lately, how'd you do this year? OHbow, I'm not in the "loop" don't let a picture fool you. LOL Tony all is great, Can't wait to wack some geese on the first of March then a short wait to long beards. Life is good! FLboy, had it not been for a 3am dumptruck accident last night while the engine crew was out, I was stuck on the ladder truck back at the firehouse crewzin the "other site" and stumbled on something fishy. :computer: Christine, the girl I wish I never picked on whom arrows bigger deer than me. Sorry. I'm not sorry! Kidding!:d Rob, I'm not speaking to you! Of all the people that would've said Yo. Check us out. And then I find I'm plasterd all over this site cuz of my good looks! For the rest of ya'll thanks for the welcome! This is a nice site to puruse with the cellphone thanks to the limited adds that fill a phones screen and make scrolling a drag. RE Poll; OK who's ignoring me?