My son and I have been on a quest this year to get him something on the ground with his bow.This is his first year bowhunting (11 years old) and it has been an awesome season so far.We have only had 5 sits this year together but have seen deer or turkey on every sit and had shots on 4 of the 5.We passed on a small 4 pointer today but he missed a turkey earlier and a small doe.BUT yesterday was different.Everything came together for him and he was able to send his 1716 shaft tipped with a 2 blade Magnus Stinger 100 grain from his 40# Hoyt through a nice little 3 point at 15 yards and he could not have made a better shot.He double lunged him and he only ran 30 yards before falling over in a ditch. The arrow actually went all the way through and stuck in a tree behind him. I got most of it on video.The deer stopped as the camera was at my sons back but I wasn't about to tell him to wait untill I could get him on camera.BUT I am using my daughters computer which is Vista and I have no clue how to upload the video.(anyone know how please pm me) Check out the nicely painted arrow entrance exit
AWRIGHT!!! GET ER DONE BOYS!! Been a great time reading the hunt logs! Cant wait for more, I knew wiht such a great mentor he wouldnt be long off!! COngrats!! ANd look at that Proud papa Grin!!
Yea,it was on the other side of the farm where you didn't have a chance to go see.Notice all of the broken limbs on the ground and the underbrsh in the background.This gives you some kind of idea how bad the woods are torn up.Now you know why the firebreaks over at H&H are being traveled by the turkeys so heavily now.
That is Truly Awesome! I bet your one Happy Dad, and I bet he's one happy boy! Congrats on a Nice Buck!!
That's just absolutely fantastic T, Fantastic! Congratulations to both of you. Pat the boy on the back from all of us.
Awesome. Must have been a huge moment for you when you saw the shot placement and result. Looking forward to the vid.
Very cool... congrats to you and your son. I'm going to try as hard as possible to get my sons first this year.