When your down and feeling blue, some one comes along and just blows you away. Now my little Red haired Banjo playin Pommie Mate told me to keep an eye out in the mail. Having no idea what he was up to or what he had done to either one of the bows I made for him. I was half expecting one of the bows because he had broken it. Anyway the mailman snuck in this morning while I was asleep, when I woke up and went out the front for my fist coffee and smoke for the day here was a package on my chair which I sit on and watch the world go by. I soon realised it was not a bow being sent back, if it was then it had shrunk in the crappy Pommie weather. So I opened the package and to my surprise I found this. No I dont have man boobs:p Close up of the back. Dave. Mate all I can say is this totally blew me away and my heart felt thanks go out to you.
You have done more for my quest to shoot Trad than I could have imagined mate , its the least I could do Buddy . You are right about the Pommie weather though If you require anymore just let me know , I have the proof saved on my laptop and can get any size or colour hoodie and logo combo you want .
I want one Dave!! Russell, you've done wonders for so many people. Myself Included my friend. Dave, your one class act. I'll be damn proud to shake your hand this fall In Colorado. This Is what friends are about folks!!!!
Steve. I honestly don't know what your talking about. Did you dip some of that whackey tobaccy:D I'll second Dave being a class act and I too will be damn proud to shake his hand come Sept.
Nicely done Dave! Is that silk screen or embroidered? I'm pretty sure it's embroidered which is way too much style for Russel!
I have totally missed this thread. I want one of those things! that is nice. I guess I've been spending too much time thinking about the new compound and not stopping by the trad forum enough.