BUT....CHANGE may be coming. Looks like there is some upcoming legislation, if passed, will allow us Virginians to posess the sacred shed antler. I wonder if anyone actually enforces this law?
Exactly Here you go... A. The following shall be unlawful 10. To hunt, trap, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, by any means whatever, receive for transportation or export, or import, at any time or in any manner, any wild bird or wild animal or the carcass or any part thereof, except as specifically permitted by law and only by the manner or means and within the numbers stated. However, the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the (i) use or transportation of legally taken turkey carcasses, or portions thereof, for the purposes of making or selling turkey callers or , (ii) the manufacture or sale of implements, including, but not limited to, tools or utensils, made from legally harvested deer skeletal parts, including antlers, or (iii) the possession of shed antlers.
That's what I'm seeing too... Donnie had a blond moment... :D they are however increasing the speed limit to 70mph on our interstates in rural areas... thats pretty awesome.
LOL...I was having a blonde moment but I was still right. The way I see it, sheds are ILLEGAL to possess, right now. What I posted was the proposed legislation not the current law. I should have read it more clearly but here is a link that may better explain it. http://www.richmondsunlight.com/bill/2010/hb1283/fulltext/
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any American Indian, who produces verification that he is an enrolled member of a tribe recognized by the Commonwealth, another state or the U.S. government, may possess, offer for sale or sell to another American Indian, or offer to purchase or purchase from another American Indian, parts of legally obtained fur-bearing animals, nonmigratory game birds, and game animals, except bear. Such legally obtained parts shall include antlers, hooves, feathers, claws and bones. WHY do we continue to have laws that are RACE based? Why do we have such puss bag judges that actually entertain race based laws? Funny how we have laws that say we cannot discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, country of origin....yet we can make race based laws and people actually think that is ok? I put that in pink because it is well.....weak