When I first started hunting I never ''bloused''my pants(tuck them in boots)I fell asleep under a tree and a chipper went up my pant leg.Talk about u'r rude awaking!...Hey! Hey!They are not acorns up there mister!!!! Have had tree rats right behind my head while in a tree.Sounded like his claws were right next to my head. I've had birds land and hover about my head.Once a Red Tailed Hawk came screaming straight at me in a tree,it veered off when I jerked my head into my shoulders. I made my own ghille suit and had a coyote come within 5 feet of me.It stood on a stump like it was stuffed.If it took one more step toward me,my plan was to beat it to death with my bow.It walked away,good 4 both of us
I was camping and a buddy of mine sleeping in a field got his face attacked by a coon with rabbies he too in turn got rabbies. I don't want them things anywhere near me!