Life is about how we choose to spend our time. It’s the most precious thing there is. I haven’t watched a whole lot of the show but what I have seen, I’ve liked. I put some stealth strips on my lone wolf and watched Justin’s how to video on it. If I remember correctly he had a little one scooting around the floor. This guy is taking time away from his family and “free time” for what? To try and incorporate his passion with his family and income and mainly to bring info to folks that could use it. It’s entertainment. I know these guys take on more than they need to in an attempt to do something for all of us hunters. Thanks Justin for doing what you do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's all good. I've said it before, and it still holds true today - when you put content out into the public domain you need to be aware there will be feedback and opinions from all sides. Some people like it, others hate it. That's just part of the deal. You learn to live with it. If 2020 has taught us anything it's that the vocal minority is alive and well. People believe that screaming and shouting (often through a keyboard) is the best way to get their point across and to win an argument. The ability to "agree to disagree" is dying a very painful death right now. As for this guy - I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it. He's clearly got an axe to grind with the world - not just me.
Dang...I'm all out of popcorn. Perhaps he's trying to maintain his "dbow" image, as in the Deebo from the "Friday" movie. Being able to make rude comments to someone you don't know and have never met is one of the major downfalls of society due to social media these days. Before the internet was thing, attitudes like that generally got them "knocked the f**k out".
If the damn kids didn't take it and not even know what the reference is from I would have quoted bye Felicia
Don't ya wish all them brave keyboard hero's came face to face with the target of their cancel culture ways? The bloody reality of a mush mouth might do them some good. I know their dentist would love it too! LOL