I put my down payment on my new bow, and ordered up some arrows. Bow. Not tellin' :d , but its not the one that used to be in my sig. But it is supposed to be here in two weeks or so. Arrows. 12, FMJ camo 340s. 2Black, 1Green. 4"feathers. Sights. Black Gold, flashpoint 4, micro pins. Rest. Not sure. between Limbdriver, and another one. Quiver. Whatever will fit on it. Preferably not more than 4 arrows. Stabilizer. Not sure yet. Going to have to shoot a few different ones. I feel giddy as a school girl in June.
So, quick question. Broadheads....what are you guys having luck with for birds. Deer? I ask this because I just switched to those FMJ's, and I am not sure my old Spitfire 125's are going to be very cool on the lighter, thinner arrow.??? No? I am mostly looking at the bird side of this. For now. I would like honest opinions of the Tearrors, and the gobbler getters. I'm lost for now. Help a brotha out, yo!
Spoiler.............AIR RAID.........Right?.....I'd hope you didn't change your mind. Had to bud. Congrats, it's gonna be a heck of a bow. If you are looking for lite 4 arrow quiver, I love the bohning one. I used the Octane this past year and loved it more. The Octane is a bit less economical, but hey whats another benji in the grand sceme of things? I just ordered another one to go with my new Air Raid, whenever it gets here.
What about that new Bantam weight one? By Octane? I gotta say. It does look very practical. I just wish they would quit using that ridiculous red accent color. Why can't I order that on here? It's just the other two versions.
Stay away from gobbler getters. They look really cool and are very devastating (head shot!) However, they are the singlemost worst planning head on the market. Effective range is no more than 20 yards. Go with something "normal".
What about Rages for the turkey. I'd assume they would be devastating on a smaller body mass like a turkey. I use Muzzy's myself. Never failed me, and accurate out to at least 50yds. Congrats on your new bow. I've gotta look up this air raid thing. everyone talkin about it. IF memory serves me correct, I believe it looks similar to a tribute? yes/no?
Congrats on the purchase.....your obligation to us is posting pictures once you get it in! Otherwise you are officially fired from this board....permanently!
I don't believe that I acknowledged what bow it was that I did order??? And no one answered me about that one quiver. The Bantamweight Octane Quiver? Or Kwike quiver. Do they still make the kwike ones? And has anyone seen, or heard anything about the BM Octane quiv? Just curious on the last one.
Arrow rests... Okay, I have narrowed it down to the following three. A. Limb Driver B. Octane Hostage Pro C. NAP Quicktune Smart Rest. D. NAP Quicktune 2000/4000 Watching the vids on NAP, I like how the smartrest doesn't let the arrow bounce as much on the launch. Same with the 2/4g Quicktunes. Hostage Pro, Well, it still bounces, its just containing the bounce in the bristles?
The Alpine is an okay quiver but it's bulky/heavy for it's size. This TreeLimb is the best I've found. It goes on and off easily yet has a solid lockup, no vibration and it's lighter than anything I've found on the market. http://www.lancasterarchery.com/product_info.php?cPath=50_238&products_id=10730 I've got a few friends into them as well and we all love 'em. The Spitfires will work fine on your FMJ's. I shot them on A/C Superslims (inside out FMJ's) with great results. Not sure that I like any of those rests but from my experience the NAP 4000 is the best on the list.