Okay, I finally was convinced (by myself ) That I need a Ghillie Suit. I have always wanted one, and now I shall have it. I know I will be modifying it slightly, to accommodate for the bow string, and what not. But I didn't want to buy the "Bowhunter" one, just because of the lack of cover it had vs. this one. http://www.sniperghillies.com/products/Ghillie_Poncho_Synthetic_Ultra_light-11-12.html I personally think it will work well, as long as I don't walk through a brier patch or anything with it? I would be stuck for days. lol. I will definatly post pics when I get it. This should be fun to explain to the wife. Then again. She may not be able to see me if this darn thing works right?!?:d
Has anyone else used one of these? I'm curious as to how you have modified yours? Added other strands of colors? what? I plan on taking off a couple inches from the bottom, and making a partial cover on my bow. But I guess we will have to see when the time comes...If it ever gets here.
It arrived the other day. I pulled it out, and tried it on. But my dog wasn't having it at all. I don't know why, but even when I was in the Marines, he would never go near me when I was in uniform. I know he has sight issues, so I think he gets all messed up with the patterning, and what not that camo causes. I put it in with all of my other hunting clothing. I will tell her later.
I cry bull pucky. Put the dog in a separate room, jump in the ape suit and snap a few. Might help others not make the decision you did. Just joking bud.
HAHA! You CRY!!! Baby! BTW its Bull Pitty! Or, as we afectionatly refer to him... well, just replace the two t's with two s's. I'll take pics later on. I want to change it up a bit, and make it how I want it first. Plus a bit more bow friendly.
Think this will work out? I'm thinking of using the threads that I took off, to fill in other areas, or I was thinking of weaving the threads in that area that I took them out of. I'll post pics of what I mean by that last one.
That stuff is so cool......I honestly believe you could sit in the middle of a field and not be seen. My concern with those has always been whether the bow string will hit it.......Let me know how that works...I'm curious.
If you can see it, I took out a large section of the jute (threads on the netting). I thought of that string deal, and now I am putting them back on, only I decided to kind of weave in larger counts of threads, just something to keep the silhouette broken up some. Kind of like mil. camo netting does. I think I like how the suit reacts with my Marine cammies. I am going to try out the MARPAT Desert pattern tomorrow, and see if I can get some better pics with both. I think the desert ones should get it a little lighter, for the grass areas I might be in. This stuff really changes with different colors behind it. Like alot!
OKay, Let me know what you guys think. Here is a couple of what I did. I took out the jute from the area in the chest, arm area, where the bowstring would hit. Let me know what you think about the different under layers.