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something a little scary

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by donut757, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. donut757

    donut757 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 14, 2009
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    well went and scouted yesterday and learned more than possibly anyone has.

    well to make a long story short we want a stand in the swamp. we went to check around and ended up seeing lots and lots of flagging tape everywhere from the guys that lease the land behind his. while we found a ladder stand that is there and known, we followed the flaggin tape and found a hang on..... this hang on stand is on a tree about 60-70 yard off where we have one on the edge of a field... we found this very disturbing becuase there are times standers are very close to this stand while running dogs and easily in shooting range. this stand is very close to, if not on his property. his dad and cousin are going with us to look at it next week to figure out where his line stops.

    If it is determined on my buddies land what do we do?? We cant decide. our options are contact the land owner they lease from, or i hate to say it take down the stand and teach them a lesson(especially after seeing what i will say at the end)... we do no like messing up peoples hunting, just as we dont liek it upon us. I know it is their land to hunt but very unsafe to have multiple stands rite on the property line, especially when dogs are running.

    Oh yeah i mite add, we did go onto their land to follow the path out to check it out and we found a nice size 4 pointer left for dead. It was just off their main path so it was obviously drug there and left, prolly for the fact that they have size restrictions on all bucks... just pieces of .... in my eyes.

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