Thought I'd share some pics of my recent projects from this past year at our little farm in SE Indiana. Its been a lot of work but a lot of fun. I'm seeing results with WAY more bucks using our property compared to last year. I've never been more excited for a hunting season than right now. Brassicas (purple top turnips and seven-top turnips).. Seeded a little heavy for smaller roots and more greens. I added 100# of nitrate (34-0-0) at planting, ph was fine. I'll side dress with triple 13 in a couple weeks. Planted Aug. 8th. 1st year clover not doing too bad. I had to mow more than usual to compete with grass this year.
The beans in the valley I plant other types of sunflowers for "edges" by the clover Another view of the valley, from the deck I built on to our little "hunting trailer".. The view is great when the leaves drop and fog lifts from the valley in the mornings. Another patch of corn to be left standing near the pond.
Thanks very much everyone, good luck to you all too this fall.. Here's a few more, I wish we could still post a bunch of pics in one post. Crazy domestic rabbit someone must have dropped off one day a few months back. He follows me all around the farm and is getting fat off my clover. He lives in a wood pile in the pole barn. Hope the yotes don't get him like they did one of my ducks. Its a good thing i wasn't planning on kickin up some rabbits this winter... Sprayed glysophate to make a little trail down to one of my favorite early season stands. The less noise and scent the better I guess. Planted a bunch of these around the property, pin oaks, white oaks, and burr oaks. I've failed many times at transplanting oak saplings. I've found that direct-nut seeding is the best way to go, except for when you can get saplings to survive in pots for awhile, cut out the bottom of the pot, and plant in fall. Can't see it but there is deer netting around the tomato-type cage. Again, good luck to all this season, stay safe!
Very nice. It looks like you have a nice place down there and it looks like this isn't the first time you have planted a food plot. You did a great job. Nice pics. Thanks for posting them.
Thanks a lot guys.. It is my first attempt at turnips but I'm pretty happy with them. I owe it to a lot of nitrogen left over from this spring's corn planting, and some good advice/tips from a buddy on the "other site". I wish I was a farmer.. only in my mind
Good stuff. It is obvious you have put a lot of "sweat equity" into your hunting grounds. Good luck this upcoming season.
Thanks a lot guys. Jim, I hope I can put a nice one down too, but just watching deer come into the plots will be very gratifying in itself. There is only one plot I will be actually hunting over, for now... The others are set up so that I can catch them on the way there, with day light left.. At least that is the plan, we'll see.