It seems no matter where I am this year In Minnesota I hear stupid horror story's of hunts that have went on this fall. Here's a few that I've heard... 3 of the guys that work at the milk plant that I haul milk to were out In Colorado hunting elk. All 3 of these guys are shooting Rages because the local shop here pushes them like there the best thing that's happened to bowhunting. Well the one guy In the 3 man party hit 3 elk with his Rages and recovered one of them. His shots were nothing close either, 50 and 60 yard shots. He didn't have a care In the world telling everyone about his story. Not one of his arrows went In over a foot but yet all he could say was thank god I was shooting Rages with their huge cutting diameter. What the Idiot fails to realize Is the right broadhead set up most likely would've zinged on through. It didn't bother him In the least that he lost the 2 other elk, I wanted to knock the guy on his can. Damn he ticked me off with his stupid talk. I told him right to his face In front of his co workers he was an Idiot. Another group from Minnesota was out moose hunting In Alaska. Same BS here too. Guys taking 60 to 80 yard shots using Rages also. 3 moose were wounded out of 5 hunters. The one moose they did get was shot by the Rage with only 15 Inches of penetration. Between some of these Shop techs and some of these bowhunters junk like this really makes a person want to puke!!! I can't believe how uneducated allot of bowhunters are these days, I swear It's getting worse.
I was watching Monster Bulls this morning and they were shooting ELK with Rages. I think that big of an animal deserves a sharp fixed broad head so you ensure that he expires fast. Some guys will just believe anything an archery shop will tell them and sell them.
About 15 yeas ago a young guy is in the archery shop bragging how he had shot ( don't remember the exact number but it was alot) Bucks that season. So I ask, How the hell you shoot that many deer when you only get one tag? So he says he never found any of them, I say, you got to be fricking kidding me and your standing here bragging about it.
That is crazy... Not gonna start a broadhead debate, but it sounds like these guys didn't have the proper set up for what they were hunting. Maybe too far of shots and/or not enough KE.. I prefer strong, sharp fixed heads, but I have been wanting to try out a Rage head lately. My bow does not shoot as fast as a lot of people's, but it sends fixed heads straight through. Sorry that ya had to hear some idiots, seems like a lot of times guys that wound multiple animals, tell the stories as if they are proud of it, or its not a big deal. Crazy..
Agree, you should've stopped right here. BS Jeff!! Anyone tking 60 to 80 yard shots on a moose that has ribs the size of logs Is an Idiot, specially with the type of BH he's using. My point exactly Adam, thank you!!
My whole point of this thread Jeff wasn't about the long shot (although I don't believe In them much). The point I was making was the BH they were shooting and the distance of the shots were a bad combo with the size of animal they were hunting. The out comes weren't to good now were they??
All I can add to this is the outfit I went elk hunting with a few years back out there in Co wouldn't allow expandable BH's in his camp. A lot of them as I understand follow suit.
Not me. But that's not what this thread Is about. Nope, sure can't. A game warden once told me If he could give tickets out for non ethical hunters and stupidity the state of Minnesota would be rich.
I hear ya Steve , don't take the shot if ya not sure of a kill and yer kit ain't tuned . I'd rather come back another day or year in my case and take a sure shot with kit i'm confident in .
Steve I couldn't agree with you more particularly with broadhead perceptions. I shoot a Rocky Mountain Snyper. I would never use it on elk or moose. There are guys getting it done but I would strictly use a fixed blade on elk and moose. That's just me.
I will say this, I have killed 6 deer with the 2 blade Rage and lost none with it. I have taken a deer this year with a slick trick standard and a Rage in the same afternoon...both did the job pretty well...the only advantage I have seen with the Rage for ME, was opening day and I may a bad shot and I KNOW the large cutting diameter is the reason I found the deer. But so far, the Rage and Muzzy, and Slick Tricks are all equal...I have yet to NOT get a pass thru with Rage, zips right through every time. Blood trails are more visible with Rage, but the deer are no MORE dead when i find em than they were with a Muzzy. Rage makes a good head but I don't believe I would want to shoot an elk with one at 60 yds!
Im a Rage shooter now but still in the test phase. I have killed 4 turkeys with them and one Doe. The Doe was a clean pass through exiting through her off side shoulder. They hang in the Turkeys with a light arrow, and I love that. BUT There is no way that I would consider going after elk / moose with the mechanical. Ill take a fixed blade there any day. reasons::::In case of slightly nicking a limb on the shot Id rather have fixed blade. Hunting on ground level you are constantly working around limbs while stalking, Rages tend to come open when you bump them on things. I wouldnt want to worry with that. And last but not least, (not envolving the Rage) I really think alot of hunters are taking those low percentage shots, especially at long ranges.
I completely agree. The doe I took last week was my first with the rage. It got both lungs and clipped the heart and she still ran 50 yards. As you said, she wasn't any deader than she would have been with the strikers I used last year. My personal benefit was the ease of tracking and that's why I'm gonna stick with them. However, I think this thread is about more than just broadhead selection. It's more about the complete bonehead decisions that people make. I'm not even going to take a 60 yard shot on a whitetail, not to mention a moose or an elk. These are prime examples of people using equipment based strictly on what they're told as opposed to trial and error. Obviously we sometimes feel the need to try something new but on an elk????? It's angering to hear these stories but not everyone has the same respect for the animals as you and most everybody else on here do. Never ceases to amaze me when I hear stories like this.
i dont think bh has anything to do with it elk r a very tough animal my dad shot a nice 6x6 in new mexico this year from twenty yards with a fixed blade and they still didnt recover and it did not get pass through 1 lung dead animal no meat no nothing by the way he shoots 82nd airborne @ 319 fps with 415 gr. arrow and bh you do the math that should be around 87-88 lbs of ke. my point they r a tough animal.
The right set up and shot placement has everything to do with It. A 180 fps traditional bow can get a pass through on an elk size animal, wanna know why? Using the correct bh and keeping shots with In a reasonable distance for a traditional bow. The next time they may not If they center a rib but there still going to get plenty of penetration to kill an animal with the correct set up. The guys I'm reffering too haven't a clue on what there doing, none!!!!
They were shooting moose with expandable heads in AK? Let's get some more details on this one Schultzy 'cause that's not even legal!