...if you hunt in a state where the whitetail gun season begins later in November. MN gun season starts in two days...just about the time that the buck hunting would probably really start getting good. This sucks! Ok...rant is over.
I know you think that's bad, but gun season has been open in GA since Oct 17 and runs through Jan 1 in the Northern Zone.
Starts Saturday here too. I'll keep the bow in hand and do my best to outsmart the deer and the gun hunters.
Yep, sucks royally! Just Imagine If It was 10 days later. We'd have many more big guys roaming around.
Rifle started here Oct 10th and runs through Dec 1.. not to mention rifle for elk, Bear, Turkey, Grouse, Wolves, Moose.. U freeking name it. Oh muzzleloader for elk added in as well starting Nov 10th. We have what is called "anyweapons" season. and thats just what it is.. pick your weapon from Oct 10th to Dec 1 and hunt.
Let's get it done tomorrow night cooter! Then we can just drink beer and gawk at all the 1.5 yr old bucks at check in :D :S.....Good luck bud.
Ehh...between myself, my dad, and grandmas old place, I have tons of land to hunt on. Plus I'm the only one that hunts on a regular basis...my brother, might hunt. But we have just shy of 120 acres right here where i live, plus access to another 80 or so acres at my g-mas place. Anyway...good luck to all of you this weekend!!
Our gun season starts the Monday after Thanksgiving, that said, most of the bucks killed up at the cabin in gun season still have swollen necks.
At least yours isn't 3 mos long. M/L came in on Halloween here....and the guns will bang till early Jan. I heard 6 M/L shots yesterday morning, and 3 rifle shots.
Wisconsin's gun season has started the Saturday before Thanksgiving for the last 15 years or so. There is serious talk about eliminating EAB and starting the gun season a weekend earlier in the coming years. This of course happens as soon as I pick up bow hunting.
14th here. I am lucky enough thought that I have very few hunters on surounding properties. I still have faith I wont have to worry about that anyways. Passed on a 140" 3 1/2 yr old last night. Hope I did the right thing.