1. Would it be too late to plant some this year? Located in Idaho, days are still in the 80s/90s but mornings are starting to dip into the 40s 2. Do you till up the ground and plant, or just throw the seed and let it grow? 3. Any specific brands you know that work well? 4. I have a nice clearing in my trees that I put a mineral lick in that has lots of weeds and grass about a foot tall but it's not very thick, would I trim those weeds down or just throw the seeds in the mix (assuming I don't need to till thanks!
Mike, I don't think its too late depending on what you plant. I just looked at a few bags of clover and the recommended fall planting dates was August 15-Sept 15. So if you can mow the area you plan on planting in. Spray with round-up/glyphosate and in 3 weeks till it under if you can. Put down some lime and fertilizer and seed. Walk over it or drive atv/golf cart around on it to get good seed to soil contact. You definitely want to trim the stuff and till up if you have the resources to do so. The chances of the seed coming up will increase if you have good contact with the soil. Good luck.
Thanks copperhead I'm gonna plan on tilling it this spring. im just referring to clover. I call it clover grass for whatever reason.
Seems to me I would learn about what I want to plant, what it is, and what the soil requirements are. If you are going to wait until spring, get a soil test. Make the necessary amendments and then you may be successful. Clover is a legume, not a grass, and a deer is a deer, not a guy.