It was 2006 and this buck showed up on camera late in July. He showed up all summer long then disappeared come fall.Like most bigger bucks he became nocturnal but we were still getting pictures of him. There were four of us hunting and had not seen him until the night of November 5th. I was already tagged out so I was on camera duty. My neighbor Jason and I were in a stand on an edge of a field and there was this red squirrel was playing around so Jasons decided to shoot the squirrel. We found out later that this buck was only a hundred yards away.(he was on a trail camera over a scrape) and he went towards us at the same time as the squirrel. He went over to a stand that another guy was in and he took a shot and hit him in the front leg. Two weeks later the start of the WI gun season was there and I set my dad in an travel area where I thought that buck might travel through there.I was set up 150 yards away at about 7:30 I had him come through and couldn't get a shot. I wasn't too upset because he was heading right for my dad. 10 minutes later I hear a shot,I thought cool he got him. My dad never misses, Come to find out my dad had him at 20 yards and squeezed the trigger and nothing happened. The firering pin was gummed up and delayed the shot. We never found the sheds until last week. Jason found 1 and was triing to get his dog to get it so he threw it and the dog didn't want anything to do with it. Jason went to pick the shed up and found the other side. The deer was shot in 2007 by a guy who drove up to our property line and sat in a lawn chair. Here he is after my dad didn't get him. Here are sheds
Nice Dan. This must be the buck you were telling me about.. and the squirrel. That will teach ya.. huh? Congrats on the finds.