rb, you aren't ~that~ far from my primary hunting spot in AL... a little town called hamilton up in marion co. eta - ya, those are some big bama bucks, most i've seen down there are tiny in comparison
Those who talk smack are just jealous. (its a statistical fact!) Besides everyone knows us Bama rednecks don't have any High fences.
:D haven't seen 'em that big up there yet... but I've heard there are some big 'uns there... a kid pulled out a 30pt non-typical from some of our property we don't hunt, i've not seen pics of it yet, but know the dad pretty well... if I can get a copy of the pic I'll post it... supposedly a 6.5 yr old monster
Great Bucks! Good luck with the southern bucks...If I am 100% tagged out come December (doubtful), I MAY try and swing a trip down to AL for a hunt myself.
BAMA we've taken 4 over 130" and one that measured 165 6/8 in the past 3 yrs. any time you can get your hands on a 130" in Bama you better shoot. the 165 was just a freak. I found that north west AL holds fewer deer but much better deer than south AL. Also the ratio seems to be around 5 or 6:1 instead of 10 or12:1 in the south. Al hasn't got the memo about shooting more does and not shooting every legal buck they see!
yup, they have no idea how to pass on a deer... but that happens when you basically have no limit on the number you can take each year...
rb, I'm gonna be down for a few days on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd... if ya happen to be up in the area lemme know... get together for a bit of BS