Dang those are some nice bucks, and to think there is some people always complaining that NC only has small bucks!
I thought the other thread said there were no big bucks in NC! :p J/K Seriously, nice looking deer. Good luck.
Well I have over 1000 picture now and nothing even close to those Those boys are sweet, thank you for sharing them.
Jeff~ These are Alleghany deer, same place I took the deer from last year. I've got pics of most of these deer from last year and actually seen all of them from the stand. The wide one looks identical to last year except about 4 inches wider. If he'd put on some tine length, he'd be in business. Stephanie actually missed the eight pointer with the good brows at 8 yards, the second saturday of bow season. The new lease fell through, so it's back to the old stomping grounds.
Man I wish I were getting some trail cam pics like that. Those are some great looking bucks. Good luck this year.
Nice bucks no doubt. Now I gotta go buy some food so I can put the camera out lol, you gave me the itch with them pics.