What do you guys think about those sock type arm guards instead of the standard velcro fastened ones I have used for years. They look quieter to put on and take off and seem like they would hold bulky clothing away from the string just the same. Any experience with them?
I use a neoprene "wrister" (used as a cuff in commercial fishing to stop water from going up your sleeve) when not hunting. They fit too tight to go over my hunting jackets and with a wide variety of clothing it's just more convenient to have a fully adjustable strap type arm guard in the field. The wrister is a lot more comfortable to wear with just a t-shirt though.
Nothing wrong with em, I use the Realtree one when I am really bundled, I don't normally have too much of a problem though.
Schwartz4, I use the realtree one and I love it. I bought one a few years ago, and this past year I ripped the top of it. I went on ebay to get a new one, and I found a guy that had a bunch of them listed. I ended up getting 4 of them for about $10. I think I payed about that much for my first single one. I still have the seller saved in my fave sellers on ebay, so shoot me a PM if you are interested. I will look and be sur that he still has them, but I bought them a few months ago and he had a bunch of them on there.