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So who watched UFC Saturday night?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Greg / MO, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Greg / MO

    Greg / MO Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Jackson, MO
    Brock Lesnar just continues to impress me with his brute strength and amazing quickness... If his coaches will study the tapes from Saturday night and work on his jiu-jitsu skills and ground game as a whole, he could be amazing in a couple years.

    He missed several opportunities to gain full mount and go into total ground and pound mode, and likewise missed a few chances at taking Heath's back when it was presented. Still, just a devastating peformance to say the least. I do think he needs to be careful with his post-fight antics. I realize he's trained as a showman for the past several years in WWE, but I think he'll quickly find that respect is in order for this sport. Even Tito didn't go that far...

    GSP was fantastic, as expected... Here's hoping Dana gets on the ball to get the fight with BJ rolling.
  2. shed

    shed Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 26, 2008
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    We watched them Greg. Yup Lesner is a genetic freak, beast of man, still has a lot to learn as far as MMA goes but his almost unhuman strength combined with top level wrestling skills will keep him in a lot of fights. He has ungoldly heavy hands too. Imagine this guy in say 2-3 years if he stays healthy, gets some fights under his belt, learns to box combinding that with is power, learns jiu-jitsu and more importantly jitsu defense. The man could be scarey. He is a true HVY weight. He almost broke Heaths eye socket on that first punch! It suprised and devistated Health imo psycologically from the start. His after fight antics I believe stem from a lot of pressure he has on himself to perform immediatley against top level opponents. I believe and like you hope he gets his emotions undercontrol and plays it with a little more class. He still has a ways to go and should but he showed so much more patients and control in this fight. What a bull though after that first punch, he looked liked a crazed DE in the NFL trying to kill a QB when Heath went down.

    Yup, GSP is a STUD, very complete fighter. He beat and beat on Fitch. If Fitch didnt have such a huge heart and rock solid chin, he wouldnt have lasted. GSP hit him with some devistating strikes that would have KO'd most fighters. I too look forward to seeing him fight BJ. That will be a sick fight. I still give the nod to GSP.

    Kenny F. and Roger H. was a great fight too. Kenny fought a very intelligent fight vs Huerta. Roger will and should learn from that fight. He has all the tools just needs to take his natural ability to the next level. He should train with Kenny but doubt he would. Kenny has a great team/trainer.

    All in all a great night of fights, we thought. Good input Greg, I couldnt agree more with what you said..
  3. Bols

    Bols Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I'm too cheap to buy the UFC PPVs so I mainly catch the free WEC events on Versus.

    Maybe I should pull a Greg and try to get some local watering holes to carry the fights so I can continue to be cheap while getting to watch the UFC bouts.

    There is a featherweight in the WEC I like to watch, don't know if any of the UFC fans have heard of him, Uriah Faber (20-1-0). He just recently defeated former UFC Lightweight Champ Jens Pulver to retain his belt in his last bout. It was a great fight, and free to boot!
  4. racewayking

    racewayking Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Northern Illinois
    I missed the Lesnar fight but look forward to seeing it replayed. I used to get the PPV events but they are too expensive unless you got a group splitting the cost.
  5. Greg / MO

    Greg / MO Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Jackson, MO
    Yep, we can't even buy PPV... talk about cheap, all we've got is basic cable and you can't even ORDER PPV from that! So getting some local sports bars to carry it was a must for me :D

    It's really not that hard; if you start talking about the numbers the fights will bring in, and the oorresponding revenue in beer and wings... Just put it in terms of what it'll mean to THEM. Remember the old sales adage: WIFM (What's In It For Me?)

    It should be even easier these days as the UFC has SOARED in popularity since I convinced the local places to carry it. Hey, maybe I'm the reason! Oh DANA..... ;)
  6. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    I'm a sucker for this stuff. Lisa hates it when I do, but I bought the PPV as usual. It's still on the DVR player along with about 6 others waiting for me to finally pick up VHS tapes so I can record and add to the collection at camp to watch again this fall.

    About Brock........yeah, he's an impressive wrestler, but he needs to keep his ego in check. I'm sure he was excited but I gotta say it was pretty poor taste to stop before the bell, and the whole point/laugh crap was terrible. I hope he can learn to leave that crap in the WWE and have some respect in the cage.

    I really think he has to train on submission defense and standup more than anything. I don't see him ever being able to tap the elite in the HW class. He's never going to be good enough in my opinion to tap Nog/Mir/Werdum/Gonzaga, but I bet in 2-3 years with good training he can stay out of their submissions, and stand up with these types of guys. You know they aren't going to take him down against his will, and I doubt anyone will hit harder than him. The others that aren't elite grapplers, he can simply ground and pound. I think his achilles heel will be after rocking a guy like Nog in the standup (who knows how to go down and play possum) he will likely end up getting tapped when going in to pound them out on the ground.

    With all that said, he's also has to start finishing fights consistently if he's going to keep drawing the PPV buys that are supporting his lofty salary. He's getting paid a LOT more than a bunch of the senior guys there, and they won't keep his contract around unless he's drawing the buys. People won't buy unless he starts finishing fights, winning isn't good enough these days it seems. He had a lot of chances to end that fight and just didn't seem interested in getting it done, I think he knew he could grind out a decision and that's never going to be good enough these days to please the crowd and keep them coming back.

    GSP/Fitch was a great fight. I gotta say GSP looked winded a lot sooner than I anticipated, but he seems to be a bit more comfortable with being a champ now, had his head on straight, and came in with a good game plan. I'm shocked with Fitch's chin, he got absolutely rocked at least 3 times where I thought for sure it was over.
  7. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    I couldnt get enough guys together to justfy paying for it. yep im tight!! bet it was a good one!
  8. ToddGraf

    ToddGraf Administrator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Huntley, IL.
    I love UFC... Great fights last Sat. I 1000000% agree with Brocks Post fight actions, it just makes him look bad. I cant stand when fighers do that. I have a feeling he will always act like a WWF dork.
  9. Josh/OH

    Josh/OH Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Columbus, OH
    better late than never :confused: . . . I agree mostly with RJ, only I feel a bit stronger that Lesnar may be a good fighter someday, but will never be great. I doubt he'll be around in 2 or 3 years. The guy was flat out confused when he had Heath down. I remember thinking " he's not sure what to do next!" :lol: Granted he's new and the guy is a physical freak for sure . . but put him in the ring with Mir again and see what happens. I think he'll get by for a while but if he fought a guy like Arlovski in his prime, he might get killed. The heavy weight division is just too watered down for my taste right now :bash: I think they should bring in Kimbo for one bout with Lesnar :d Now there's a freak show I'd pay to see.
    GSP/Fitch was pretty awesome. I admire Fitch for having one of the strongest wills(and jaws) in the business. I agree that GSP got winded WAY too early. Hope he has more gas in the tank for BJ. And though he's becoming a better champion, he still seems a little insecure to me. I think he needs a couple more defenses in a row to boost his confidence.
  10. Mo_bowhnter

    Mo_bowhnter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 30, 2008
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    Eureka, MO
    Am I the only one that could care less about guys beating the crap out of each other? :confused:
  11. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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  12. racewayking

    racewayking Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Northern Illinois

  13. Bols

    Bols Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Can someone get this kid a testosterone shot? Make it a few of them!!

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