I have 1 buck tag left and hope to fill it. I will be out part of this weekend then it is off to West Virginia for 5 days. Hopefully I will be able to get somemore hunting in when I return though.
Rut still on here. Ive got a nice one on the only day I took out my rifle, Im back to the bow to fill my second buck tag.
I'm still trying to get my first with the bow. I'm glad I could get a good buck down with the ML opening weekend. Duck hunting and bowhunting the rest of fall/winter :d
Ive been hard at it, but to no avail still. Had alot of close encounters and my best season to date, but still no cigar. Im not sure what you are talking about with gun seasons though, ours has been in since the 8th! LOL this weekend marks the end of gun season for us, I hope to get it done soon...I am wearing down, but still going full steam. I just want a decent 8, is this too much to ask for?? lmao
LOL. That's what I was thinking. Since joining this forum, I've come to realize that we have a really early gun season.
The Tater man still has a tag and I am trying to convince him we need to go back down next weekend, I have Friday and Monday off so we could make it a 5 day weekend and maybe catch some of those bucks coming off lock down!! Walt
Yeah, I've let more bucks live this year than the last 2 combined. Only 1 I kind of wish I had back though. The 2 that were definite shooters were chasing does, and when them suckers are chasing, they are one track minded. I couldn't get either one of them stopped. The nices was a 140 class 10 point, had him at 22 yards. Not gonna shoot them running though. So I've still got my buck tag left. All 3, actually. But I'm headed back out tomorrow evening for another weekend.....we'll see I guess.
I've got one tag left, guess what I only get one ******* tag period!!:evil: I had my recurve about half pulled back on a mid 120's buck the 3rd week of October and passed on him hoping for bigger. Since then, not a damn thing worth lifting the bow up for, spikes, fork's and more fork's Is all I've been seeing!! Never In 24 years of bow hunting have I seen this many spikes and fork's while hunting. What's the reason?? A very disappointing season so far for myself.
I'm still going at it so hard I had to take a nap as soon as I got in and am just now getting up to check out the forums.
i still have a WI tag and IL tags gonna b lots of woulda coulda stories in my icehouse this winter if i dont get my butt in gear!!!!!!!!!
Well, I haven't been out nearly as much this year as years past, and I'm hunting a couple of new properties, and I've lost a couple, and I'm as frustrated as I've ever been. Gonna try to get after them tonight, and tomorrow and Sunday Morn, Monday Afternoon, Tuesday Morn and then, Wed. Afternoon through Sunday Afternoon, I'll be hunting hard, hopefully one of the couple of 140-150's I've seen crosses my path. Hell, I've seen a bunch of little bucks, only a handful of does, which is ODD, and a few bigg'uns. If I don't get something, soon, I'm risking 3 yrs. in a row getting skunked out of decent bucks. Maybe next year, I'll take the 2nd TWO weeks of November off and plan for a baby-sitter. Good Luck to those of you still trying to put a tag on one. I sure hope it comes together for me soon. Here I am shooting better than any time in my life, and I can't find a deer to save it. Take me back 4-5yrs. ago, and I missed or screwed up on half a dozen potential booners mostly because I didn't have a rangefinder or I moved when I shouldn't have alerting a doe also in the area, or it was a shot I'd never encountered, like a 3yd straight down shot. And if I didn't take it, there were going to be no other opportunities, etc. Dumb luck has got to change!!!!
I'm out with the .270 this weekend after both deer and bears in the Adirondack big woods. Not many deer up there but beautiful country, I'm really more after the bears than anything. After this weekend I'll be back after it with a bow. I've got a doe and buck tag in NY, an additional rifle buck tag in NY (after this weekend will use the bow), and I also have one doe tag in PA left for their late archery season.
Tater just called and we are heading back down next weekend and hope that the big boys are back up running after the gunners.. Walt
Jeff - I must admit that I admire your dedication my friend. I've only gotten 16 sits in the stand while hunting and 1/2 dozen or so behind the caemra this year. I wish I could get out more, but life and work seem to get in the way sometimes. 70 sits is just insane to me. I think you would find me hanging from my harness somewhere after that many sits. Keep at it though, you can't kill 'em if you're at home on the nice warm couch snuggled up with your wife. :D
I still have a PA tag. If I do put it on a buck, it likely won't be from a bow kill. I am still deciding on whether to take the pistol or bow for our gun opener.