I started taxidermy a few months ago. This is my 3rd deer that I have mounted. I know its not the best but I'm really happy with it. What do you all think?
Hell looks real good i know some taxidermy been mounting for years that dont look like that keep it up Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I'm a taxidermy snob and since you asked.... Certainly not bad for number 3 but the ear butts are bad and the eyes look goat like. Keep working on it! It's not easy
For your third deer that's pretty dang good. I agree with above about the ears but seriously keep up the good work. I have a few buddies that are taxidermist and it is an art form no doubt.
I do some hide tanning and thinking of mounting of mammals. It looks pretty good. Only thing I got is I’m not a big fan of these new forms with the front portion of the legs. What is your thought? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Looks like you have all the fundamentals down. It looks like you don't have the top edge off the ears set straight, where the white hair meets the brown should be a straight line just bellow the edge of the ear, yours looks kinda wavy, if it is straight just comb the the hair to fix it then. For the ear butts I think you have the ears angled up a little to far, make them more horizontal and have the bases tucked in as close as you can to the antler bases, that should fix the butts. The eyes are what really makes a mount, spend lots of time on them. Yours came out to round, The eyes really need to be thinned out as much as possible, or they will just pull out into circles as it dries even if your starting with the right shape, also it will help with getting as small as possible gaps between the glass and the eye lids. The nose looks good, but I like to paint mine black before putting on the bumps. Did you have somebody teach you are you doing self taught with books or videos? If your doing it on your own that's an awesome job for a 3rd mount.
Just a touch on the bulbous side. Maybe slim them down just a bit for a more natural flow into the side of the head. Still looks like a good mount. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Thanks a lot. For some reason I just saw your reply. As far as the ears looking wavy I think its the hair. I messed up a little on my second mount on lining them up and I payed more attention to it on this one. Thanks for the help on the butts. Ill work on that on my next one that makes a lot of sense. His eyes did come out a little more round than I had hoped. It dried a lot on this one and I don't know if its because it was hot and I kept the clay to moist while sewing him or if they lids was not thin enough. I thinned them with a drimal sanding drum to the point of them wanting to rip. Yes I am self thought. I have watched some you tube and the rick carter dvd and just went to tring to mount my own deer. Im wanting to get it to where I do it part time. Maybe get out of the job that I'm at and be home with the kids more. That's my goal and with the Lords help it will work out. Thanks again for the help and the complements they mean a lot.
It took awhile to post, said it needed administration approval for some reason. Also with the eyes, everyone says to use very little clay, but for me I use a fair amount, especially on the top brow, I find it more realistic with a bigger brow and also gives you something to work a better shape and hold it, And check it often as its drying and keep pushing everything back if it starts to pull out, and lots of holding pins too. Each mount will get better as you learn and try differnt things. Good luck on your dreams of staying home, hope it works out for you.
Thanks for the advice. My goal is to find a job where I don't have to work 7 days a week for years on end. And then pick up 30 heads to make up the diff. I really appreciate the help. And would love to see your work. I bet it looks really good.